BS Rools

St. George Marathon

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Member Since:

Jan 01, 2006



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Running Accomplishments:

Stay in the game, keep in the moment - have conquered a few of the holy grails of running - sub 3hr marathon, ran Boston and qualified for Boston at Boston, 10K PR under 6 min miles, won a couple of 5Ks in my early days of running, running for 30 years and ran 39 marathons.  The transistion to the back of the pack has not been easy, but, acceptance, stay in the game, root for others, enjoy the rest of the journey.  Another off the bucket list second =  Provo Half IM -  have done 6 open water Tris and 6 pool Tris.  Gave the STG IM a good Tri, hope to take another shot at the IM.

Short-Term Running Goals:

 2013 Race Plan - STG Half IronMan, Lake Mead Rage Olympic distance, STG spring relay tri, STG half marathon, STG marathon, Cozumel IM, Utah Summer Games Triathlon at Gunlock, Murray 5k with family and Utah Half Distance Triathlon, 187 mile red rock relay,  STG marathon,

*note of clarification - cross training miles from biking and swimming calculated as follows: (as someone may wonder) 20 mile an hour bike = 5 cross training miles (those not familar with a 20 mph pace, good bike effort for long distance,  swimming, convert 1 hour swimming to 5 cross training miles.  For those that do not swim much, great cardio workout.

Long-Term Running Goals:

Enjoy the Swim, Bike Run thru Life - Hope to Run a Few Races Support Sylvie - Be a good coach   - Support Jenna, Jeremy, Taylor and Bonnie - my kids are now into running, who would of thunk it.  long term goals, recover from the ankle sprain, accept was it, have fun racing, mountain biking, faster swimming.


B of BS Rools Recent Reading List - In order of recommended reads.

Once a Runner (John L. Parker, Jr.)  Best fictional running book ever, a must read

Again to Carthage (John L. Parker, Jr.)  The Sequel to Once a Runner, not often a sequel compares, this one does 

What I Talk About When I Talk About Running ( Haruki Murakami)  things we have may all thought, but may never blog

Roughing It - Mark Twain 



BSRools, the B stands for Brent and the S for Sylvie.  The Rools come from my personal running rools over the years: Never complain once the run starts, allways pick up the pace into the wind and always pick up the pace on a hill. If someone whines, pick up the pace.  Once a goal is set, no whining, regardless of setbacks.  We were running when running was not Kool.   Kool comes from a race story, ran my first race, 5K wearing a "beanie that had "Kool Aid Kid"

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Easy run this morning, early, nice morining.  Lucnch time, ran 1 mile warmup and then 4 x 200 yard pickups at 6:30 pace with 8:13 pace between pickups.  Easy 5 in the morning and then take thursday and friday off running. 



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Early morning, nice morning, Every morning this past several months I have seen a wife and husband.  One is on roller blades and the other on a bike.  Every other day they switch, the other on a bike and the othr on roller blades.  From a distance, they are both weariing head lamps, if you just look at the lights swaying to and fro, it looks like some sort of alien machine movie, terminate the runner 4.   Every morning both of them say good morning and I respond back with good morning.  It will be interesting to see if they continue this morning adventure when the weather turns colder.  I am quite impressed with their dedication.  Often I run 8 miles in the morning and see them in both directions.  I would guess they are covering over 10 miles each morning.  It seems kind of odd, but, good for them. 

May run a mile or two on thursday.  Stay confident, stay strong, do no waiver from the mission at hand.

B of BS Rools out

Weight: 0.00Calories: 0.00
Race: St. George Marathon (26.2 Miles) 03:21:55, Place overall: 681, Place in age division: 9
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Race Weekend Adventure:

Pasta Party:  Great to meet the Fast Running Bloggers, I have never seen so many skinny people in one place at the same time, fit and tough bunch.   Specail Congrads to Paul, OTQ, wow.  Also, congrads to all the other Bloggers, it was a victory for all, effort is what counts.

Pre-Planning:  Meeting James at the 3:10 start did not work out, likely good thing for me.  I may have been toast before half way at the 1:35 pace.  Ran with the 3:20 pacing group until about mile 11.  Several of the first few miles were ran between 7:12 and 7:15, the pacer was banking time in the bank for Veyo.  At mile 11 the pacer was back on a 7:11 pace, decided to let them go rather than get burnt out with the hope of catching them on the downhill.  At half way, 1:42, slower than I wanted.  Ran a little under a 1:40 for the second half.   Although not quite as fast as I had hoped, right on Sasha's race time predictor.  I was very happy with the effort as this was my age 50 plus PR.  (I will be 57 next month) There is no doubt I can get back to a sub 3:10 with losing a few pounds, better diet and smart training next year.

Space Cowboy:  I hear 3 or 4 spectators call my name during the race, only spotted Toby Salazar yelling.  Nice to hear you name. 

Award Note:  This is the first year St. George has went from 10 awards per division to 8.  My luck, missed 8th by 8 seconds.  9th out of 186 in my division.  Well, you never know, I will get them next year.

Sylvia:  she is very consistent every year, 3: 49. 

Long Time Running buddies report:  Frank and Brett ran 3:18s together.  Colleen defended her 1st place in the women's 55 to 59 age group, awesome time of 3:26.  Sheldon, appears to have DNFed, had and stomach muscle injury, Colleen says he was stopped at mile 14 walking. 

Ten Year Club Dinner:  This was Sylvia's 11th and my 15th St. George.  The dinner is always great to watch everyone become part of the club.  Colleen was so nice to me with saying how well I did.  Anyway, I may add more to this blog, we just got home. 

Again, nice to meet everyone and the Pasta part and a special thanks to the host. MikL.


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Ran with my dog Sammy this morning.  She was quite upset that we left her with our son for a few days.   It usually takes her a few days to not be uspet.  It felt great to just get out and run this morning.  From reading some of the blogs, I would really like to know more about the tinman workouts.  I wonder, who is the tinman, has he written a book I could buy?   

Now the important things:  The extended family of runners on the blog has been great with comments.  There is no doubt, form OTQ qualifers, elite runners, faster than fast runners, age division contenders, BQs, novice and beginners; we can all appreciate the effort given to reach for goals.  Sometimes goals are reached, sometimes they are not, that does not alter the journey of dedication and training to give yourself the best opportunity.   

With running and life, it is important to remember that the journey is what makes the goals worth reaching.

B and S of BSRools will not be making entries on the blog beginning friday for about 11 days, we are taking a long vacation to Hawaii.  (We will still be running every morning to the Diamond Head overlook to watch the surfers and reflect how great life is.  I love this run, retraces some of the steps from running the Honolulu marathon three times and also allows me to run with no goals, just enjoy). 

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Easy run, no real hot spots, a couple of twitches, 9:12 pace, half the run on dirt trail.  The blog traffic must have been at an all time high yesterday.  

It is kind of funny, St. George is now done and gone. Me and Sylvia spent 1 hour yesterday talking about how we would get some high altitude hill training next year.  We are going to check out some dirt roads and trails up by my daughter's house in Marin, close to Kamas.  Picking up two or three minutes going from mile 7 to mile 11 is big.  "Always training for the George". 

The Northern Bloggers, moose on the loose, have the plan, running up and down the TOU course. 

B of BS Rools out. 


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Runner's High, Higher than High the last few days.  Coming down to earth now.  Scotty, beam me back up.  

Down to earth notes:  Sheldon, long time running buddy, DNFed, had to quit at mile 17, at St. George and may have a pelvic fracture, Colleen indicates he was almost in tears today.  He has had a very hard time the last three years trying to get past injuries.   

Running in the fall weather is fantastic.  The run this morning, scared the begeppers out of me, a 3 point buck jumped onto the wood boardwalk right in front of me and leaped to the other side.  It was quite a site.  The weather was great this morning, what a time to reflect on the past running year and to start looking forward to base training and how to approach next year. 

Always Training for the George:  Myself, Sylvia, Colleen and Harry are going concentrate on 1/2 marathons as long runs next year with a couple of warmup miles and a few cool down miles.  (Based on Sasha comments to James and related to his training plan breaking 2:30)  Also, some high altitude hill training is in order, maybe the rail trail, Wanship up to Park City and back.   We are looking for a running group name, something other than the old running farts.  Harry is 71 and can still run a 21:20 for a 5K and Colleen has won her divisiion at St.George in 07 and 06 (55-59).  Maybe, fast old farts?  No, that name does not work.  Any suggestions?

St.George Recovery:  No injuries and no pep in the step.  I hope all the bloggers have a great off-season of base mile running and getting ready for next year.  Those runners still racing, good luck at the races, especially the Paul and Logan. 

B of BS Rools out   - Mile Stone:  Run today put me over 2,000 miles for the year. 

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Nice, legs feeling better, altered between a 8:15 to 8:30 pace with a couple of stops to stretch. I also wore my magic running shoes from St. George.

Bloggers take care, I'm off for the beach. 


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Early morning run to the Diamond Head overlook and back to the hotel.  Several smells caught my nose, the trade winds blowing the breeze from the ocean, the city cars, the flowers, the street cleaners.  Although this is Hawaii, I do miss the friendly runners along the parkway. I said hi to several runners, no even a nod.   Great to be here.  I will call all the kids and get going on our first day of adventure. 

We all went to cultural center today, very good time.


B of BS rools out.

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Ran with Sylvia thru Alomoana Park.  Nice run past the fisherman and homeless. 

Boogie boarding was a blast today at BellowAF Beach.  I got a good sting from a Jelly Fish (Portuguise man-0-war) Everyone had a great time.  (My two daughters and hubbies, Syliva's son and wife with 2 year son).  Great time on the beach.

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Ran from the hotel, 5 a.m., around the Diamond head overlook and back around where the hike starts for the old military watch station.  It rained for about ten minutes, stopped and watched the surfers for a few minutes. 

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Ran the first 1.55 miles with Sylvia and Bonnie.  Bonnie is our daughter in-law.  She has a very good candence and gate to her running.  Very efficient for a part time runner.   It left them and ran further west for another 1.5 miles to a pier, watch tower, and retraced my steps back to the hotel.  It is different running with humidity.  I always think it will be easier, no the case. 

We went to the North Shore, snorkled and rode bikes.  There we several turtles in the water and one basking on the beach.  Ty, the little grand son had a great time.  

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Ran to the Diamond head overlook, watched surfers, went back to the hotel and picked up Sylvia and Taylor for another 3 miles over to Alomoana Park and back. Taylor really struggled.  He trained with me and his mother and ran the St. George marathon in 2005 (3:41).  He has not kept up his conditioning.  He made an interesting comment, he thought, maybe because we are older, he could just keep up with us.  Good to get a little runner respect.

We went snorkling at Hunama Bay and then to Pearl Harbor, fun packed day. 

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Nike town run.  The Nike town store is just 1/2 mile from our hotel accross the park.  The run usually features a 3, 4.4 and 5.5 mile run.  Before the start of the run talked to Gerry Lindgren.  I have met him before at the Nike run.  He has been injured and was only running the 3 mile run.  Anyway, always good to talk to a past great runner.   I decided to run with the 4.4 mile group.  At the start, you cannot tell who is in what group until you reach the turnaround point.  I started out towards the front of the pack, about 60 runners.  I decided I would use this as  a fartlek type speed workout.  Good effort, a couple of 3/4 miles at 6:15 pace. 

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Ran easy with Sylvia, run to the Alomoan park and back. 

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Ran to Diamond head overlook, on the way back stopped to watch Jeremy and Taylor try surfing on a long board.  They both did great.  Jenna and Jeremy were headed home today. 

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Ran with Syliva to the Diamond head overlook and back, nice to run with her.

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Ran west along the beach front.  Race for the cure today at teh Kapoloni park.  Ran in the opposite direction.  Sad to have the vacation over today.  Much fun:

Sealife park, cultural center, boogie boarding twice, bike run north shore, snorkling both shark's cover and hunama bay, Waianema bay and park, swimming, hot tub, swim with the dolphins (my kids) and shark watch (my kids) great time. 


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Tired from the plane trip.  Decided to run anyway, great fall day to run, enjoyed the run, 8:30 pace overall.  Last half mile a runner caught me from behind, picked up the pace and ran with him until he quit. 

The Hawaii vacation was great.  I have two more free round trip tickets to Hawaii.  I am considering doing the Kona marathon with Sylvia completing the half.  It is a tough marathon with 10 year age brackets.  Maybe I will send them an email about the 10 year brackets.

I see many new bloggers hitting the blog, welcome aboard, grey and underway.  It is also nice to see many runners ramping of the mileage base.  Very good time of year for building the base. 


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Early morning run, 4:45 a.m., run along the parkway north 4 miles and back home.  Surprising, 3 bikers, 1 roller blader and 2 runners today.  Very unusual. 8 miles

Lunch time run with Dianimal, 8:30 avg pace. Good to run with her, it has been a few weeks.  She is having foot surgery next week.  Hopefully this will correct her problem and let her get back to running marathons. 

Scale Scare:  Got on the scale, have gained 4 and 1/2 pounds since the marathon.  Wow, too much eating while on vacation.  Goal, 1 pound per week until down to 152. 

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A woke to the alarming sounds of CCR.  I did not want to get out of bed this morning.  I got up, bathroom, and got back in bed.  Sylvia says: get up and run or you will be upset later in the day that you did not run.  Got my butt out of bed, ran to Gardner Village and back home.  Sylvia was right, good to get in an easy morning run.  It is great to have a spouse to give you the nugde when you need it.  I guess I am just not ready for the winter time runs coming up.  Hawaii has spoiled me.  Legs felt the best since the marathon.  Plan on some mild speed work on the treadmill during lunch. 

Time to refocus on goals.  I have been reading Tinman, Sasha, Paul, etc. for  training ideas.  The one thing that is a wild card, don't get injured thinking I can do workouts like I was 30 years old instead of 57 next month.  My first goal, increase my base mileage to 65 miles per week over the winter time while slowly adding some hills, repeats, etc. with the mileage. 

I just know that I have a sub- 3:10 left in me if I can do the right training.  Lastly, I know why runners pay coaches, it takes an effort to plan workouts that make sense for the individual runner. 

Lunch time run with Dianimal, 3.25 miles easy. 

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This morning could be a Cat Stevens, I am being followed by a moon shadown, or something out of a Halloween scary movie.   The morning was a bright, almost orange, full moon in the western sky.  The trail along the river is on the east side.  This provided a back drop of the fog coming off the river with the lower moon in the sky shining through the fog.  "What a sight".  As I enjoyed this unique view as I headed towards home, the siloquet of a runner with the fog and moon over his shadow appeared.  If I only had a camera. 

Back to serious runner business:  ran the last quarter at 6:45 pace.  May do some treadmill speed stuff at lunch.  I was asked by Frank, running buddy a work, what are my goals and upcoming races.  Well, always training for the George I said.

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Early morning run, purple haze in my eyes, running in a fog, foggy morning along the river with a bright moon.  Kind a London town run, weird, but different and fun. Did 4 striders at about 30 seconds each, and one quarter mile at 6:20 pace.  My legs are not prepared for this kind of speed at 5 a.m.  As I have told my kids when they we upset, you have the same shoes to get glad in.  My legs will have to do the same.  May do a noon time run today.

Lunch time run today with Harry, Coleen, Tony, Dianimal and John.  The run was suppose to be an easy run.  Right out of the shoot, Harry started pressing and did a couple of 7 min mile surges.  Me and Colleen went with him and the others dropped behind.  Fair is fair, waited until we turned into the wind and did a surge of my own, dropped Colleen.  Stopped at the 2 mile mark to let everyone regroup.  The way back was no different except John joined us.  Harry again did a couple of surges dropping Colleen and John.  I waited again until we were head on into the wind a did a good hard 1/4 mile surge and dropped them.  We stopped and regrouped.  Both Harry and Colleen decided to run the last mile in easy.  Me and John ran the last mile in 7:15, good pace given running 8 miles this morning.  Overall, 7:30 pace for the first two miles and avg. 7: 15 for the last two.   I did not think I would have the zip today given the increase in mileage this week.  Happy with the effort the the running game playing. 

I know, it sounds boring as you don't know these runners, but, they are all seasoned marathon veterans that are game for about anything.

B of BS Rools out



Weight: 0.00Calories: 0.00
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Run with our dog Sammy and Sylvia.  Nice easy pace on a great fall day.  Sammy was so cute and wanted to run.  Over the last few years, everytime we come to a hill I tell her lets go and pick up the pace.  Today, as we came to first little hill over a bridge she took off like a shot and surprised Sylvia, pulling her with the leash.  She did the same thing on a couple other hills, picking up the pace on her own.  Sammy gets 25 commando points today. 

We ran into a runner we met a couple of years ago on the parkway, Rob. Him and his buddy Troy have ran the grand slam the last couple of years.  Ran with him for a bit until we took the trail thru the forest of trees. Anyway, great run, legs felt great after a 65 mile week.  Yeah. 

Weight: 0.00Calories: 0.00
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Easy run north along the river past Gardner Village and back to 4800 south and home.  Ran on the dirt as much as possible.  Nice even avg pace of 8:48 for the run.  It will likely take a few weeks for my body to adjust to the higher miles.  Very nice running morning. 

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Early morning run, north and back home along the parkway.  Did three 40 yrd striders over short hills.  Felt real good today.  Avg. pace per Garmin 8:49.  Odd thing, my legs felt pretty good, thought I was moving much faster than the Garmin indicated.  Anyway, maybe it is the mental daze of running that early in the morning when still half asleep. 

Lunch time run, treadmill, 7:45 pace, upper body circuit weights, hamstring curls on the excercise ball, IT band hig stretches.



Weight: 0.00Calories: 0.00
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Blacksheep workout today.  Fun group, nice of them to let us old timers (myself, Colleen and Harry) to tag along in the rear.  It really gives us a good workout, this is a fast bunch.   Workout today was at the city cemetary, how appropriate.   It was good we did it today instead of on Wednesday, we may not have returned.   Glow sticks were set out at the 1/4, 1/2 and 3/4 mile marks.  The first runner to the 1/4 glow stick turned around and headed back to the start.  As the first runner who turned round passrd you, you turned around and headed back to the start.  We did it the same way for the 1/2 and 3/4.  Hung on fairly well the first 1/4, then they got progressively tougher with me finishing further behind.   There is no doubt from this workout, hills are the key, I need to get stronger on the hills.  There was a real animal leading today, strong runner, didn't know him, but, cranked them up the hills.

The workout was suppose to be at marathon pace, but, it was a harder effort for me than marathon pace.  Good running fun.  Blogger Chad was one of the lead runners. 

Hey, you never know where you will not meet people.  Look at my picture, the runner to the right is Dee, out of town runner blogger.  We were right next to each other and have never met in person. 

May run another 4 miles easy at lunch today.  _  Ran 4 miles with Colleen at lunch today, 8:10 pace.  Surprised that our legs handled the workout this morning with a lunch time run.  I hope this means we are getting in better shape. 




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Easy run, slow and slower.  Stepped in a small pot hole today and minor twist of the ankle, happened at about 2 and 1/4 miles, finished the run.  Ran into a herd of Women Walker/Talkers today.  8 of them all talking in a frenzy as they walked, taking up both sides of the trail.  They had no clue I was headed right at them, in my right lane.  They did not move an inch or miss a word of frenzy/gossip talk.  I skimmed by them on the right brushing two of them.  I not sure they even noticed.  Next time, I need a plan, maybe yell, did you hear Jane was out side, yada, yada, yada..... 

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