BS Rools

Provo River Half Marathon

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Member Since:

Jan 01, 2006



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Running Accomplishments:

Stay in the game, keep in the moment - have conquered a few of the holy grails of running - sub 3hr marathon, ran Boston and qualified for Boston at Boston, 10K PR under 6 min miles, won a couple of 5Ks in my early days of running, running for 30 years and ran 39 marathons.  The transistion to the back of the pack has not been easy, but, acceptance, stay in the game, root for others, enjoy the rest of the journey.  Another off the bucket list second =  Provo Half IM -  have done 6 open water Tris and 6 pool Tris.  Gave the STG IM a good Tri, hope to take another shot at the IM.

Short-Term Running Goals:

 2013 Race Plan - STG Half IronMan, Lake Mead Rage Olympic distance, STG spring relay tri, STG half marathon, STG marathon, Cozumel IM, Utah Summer Games Triathlon at Gunlock, Murray 5k with family and Utah Half Distance Triathlon, 187 mile red rock relay,  STG marathon,

*note of clarification - cross training miles from biking and swimming calculated as follows: (as someone may wonder) 20 mile an hour bike = 5 cross training miles (those not familar with a 20 mph pace, good bike effort for long distance,  swimming, convert 1 hour swimming to 5 cross training miles.  For those that do not swim much, great cardio workout.

Long-Term Running Goals:

Enjoy the Swim, Bike Run thru Life - Hope to Run a Few Races Support Sylvie - Be a good coach   - Support Jenna, Jeremy, Taylor and Bonnie - my kids are now into running, who would of thunk it.  long term goals, recover from the ankle sprain, accept was it, have fun racing, mountain biking, faster swimming.


B of BS Rools Recent Reading List - In order of recommended reads.

Once a Runner (John L. Parker, Jr.)  Best fictional running book ever, a must read

Again to Carthage (John L. Parker, Jr.)  The Sequel to Once a Runner, not often a sequel compares, this one does 

What I Talk About When I Talk About Running ( Haruki Murakami)  things we have may all thought, but may never blog

Roughing It - Mark Twain 



BSRools, the B stands for Brent and the S for Sylvie.  The Rools come from my personal running rools over the years: Never complain once the run starts, allways pick up the pace into the wind and always pick up the pace on a hill. If someone whines, pick up the pace.  Once a goal is set, no whining, regardless of setbacks.  We were running when running was not Kool.   Kool comes from a race story, ran my first race, 5K wearing a "beanie that had "Kool Aid Kid"

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Easy, early morning run with Sylvia.  Run along the Jordan trail to 4100 south and home.  Very nice morning, somewhat muggy.  No critters on the trail, geese overhead.  My legs felt better than expected after yesterday.  Nothing exciting to report, did not know any of the words when watching the singing bee. 

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Early Morining run, met Colleen, Tony and Diana at the state capital, 5 a.m., ran to City Creek Canyon and up 3 and 1/2 miles.  Ran smooth, not 100% effort, waited at the top for 3 minutes for the others to reach the top.  Ran the downhill at marathon pace with Colleen, finished over 5 minutes ahead of Tony and Diana.  I don't know what the issue was with those two, maybe potty stops.  I will talk to them later and find out.

Nothing special to report, crankin up the miles and intensity over the next few weeks. 


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Dog in the dark, I tripped over our dog in the dark last night, I have two black and blue toes and will likely loose a toe nail.   Ran easy this morning and kind of hobbled.  I have learned my lesson, get things done earlier in the evening.  I often forget to get my running stuff ready for the morning run.  Side story, Hobblecreek Half Marathon did not get our applications and check.  They are letting me resend the applications and check.  In the future, I will register on-line.  Hobblecreek holds all the apps and checks until the race is full and them deposits them.  Therefore, it does no good until the race is closed to see if your check was cashed.

Lunch time:  5 minutes on the exercise bike, 2 miles on the treadmill (7:50 pace), followed by upper body circuit weights, leg extensions, leg press, calf pressess and leg hamstring curls.  In addition, hamstring exercise ball "butt lifts" and ball rollers in and out. 



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Ran with Sylvia and our dog Sammy the first two miles, Sammy is done after 2, dropped her off at home and ran another 4 miles to 4100 so. along the Jordan River Trail and home. Hot and muggy day.  There were quite a few runners on the trail doing long runs. We averaged 9:08 pace for the run.  For the whole week, 66 mile week.  I would like to run in the 60's for the next 4 weeks until the taper for TOU. 

It was a very good week for me training, speed work with Black Sheep, Run up city creek canyon and 19 mile long run. 


Weight: 0.00Calories: 0.00
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Easy early morning run, south along the Jordan Parkway until the trails meets 700 W.  Legs are still feeling funny from the friday leg weight workout.  8:55 pace as compared to 9:09 yesterday. for the same distance. 

We all have our shoe stories, find those magic shoes that are just right for the marathon, these shoes feel like they don't have enough cushioning, these shoes feel like too much, these shoes are too tight, the story goes on.  Anyway, I have found my magic shoes, green, luck of the Irish.  I bought these shoes over ebay and they came with no insert.  I took an insert out of a pair of Asics and put in these Nike Air Zoom Elite, magic.  Anyway, I hope magic. 

May have a tough week running, on the road to Kansas City for a couple of days.

I had a thought today, based on a comment by Lybi that I could not be the only clumsy runner.  I will give you one my favorite stories of hitting the dust while running:

Hawaii, NikeTown Wednesday Night Run - I have been to Hawaii several times, each time we always make it a point to run the Wed. Nike Town Run with local runners.  It is more like a race for 7 or 8 miles.  This Wed. night, about 2 years ago, Gerry Lindgren was leading the fun run, I quickly got along side him and gave him the fan stuff about how great he was, yada, yada, yada, and I got his autograph at the Salt Lake Marathon.  This Wed. night run, the girls cross country team from Xavier was there for a meet.  Gerry was leading them in a fartlek workout.  Well, I decided that I would try and do the workout with them.  The first two pickups, about 6 min mile pace I hung with the group.  I then started to fade.  As I started to fade, a local runner (looked like he was 20 years older than me) passed me and said "I am slowing down at any time",  I took this as a smart"A" comment and that gave me motivation to take chase.  I was ten yards behind, chasing him along the sidewalk on Alomoana Bld, he was coming up on two ladies on the side walk and he yelled coming thru.  The two ladies split apart like the red sea, (I thought they would stay split apart and saw me also), the red sea came back together as fast as it came apart.  I had about two steps to make my move to the right off the sidewalk, I caught my left foot on a tree root, going a 6 min. pace, and did a dive that may have scored an 8.  A quickly got up almost without losing pace to chase the guy in front of me.  He beat me back to NikeTown, he did not even say good race or anything.  I was soom the center of attention with blood running down my leg from a would along the side of the knee.  (Good part of the story), two girls felt sorry for me and proceed to clean up the wound.  *Note, I am a crazy and clumsy runner at times.  Other stories to follow each week. 


Weight: 0.00Calories: 0.00
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Early morning run, 4100 South along the parkway and home.  Decided to make a few of the miles at marathon pace, 7:45.  (8:33 pace for entire run).  Legs felt good.  I sure think I am running faster than the Garmin says at times. 

Me and Sylvia got while a laugh from Lybi's comments on bowling pins. 

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Run with Black Sheep today.  Chad led the workout.  Goal was to not get lapped. Did not get lapped today.  Did a 1 mile warmup around the area, East High.  2 laps with jog the curve and run just under 5K race pace for the straight.  We then did 3 x 1,000 with a 200 jog between each rep.  We then rested and did another 3 x 1,000 with a 200 jog between each rep.  1 mile cooldown run.

Each 1,000 was completed between a 4:15 to 4:20.  About a 6:50 pace.  The last 1,000 was a real gut check to hang on to the pace.   Consistent workout.  Happy with the Effort.

*Note, nice group of runners letting new comers workout with them.  I expect this will really help my pace over time.  My last 5K was completed at about a 7:15 pace.  I feel like I could beat that time. 

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Business trip run, Kansas City,  early morning run in the hot and humid city, ran around a hilly park for five miles.  After work, ran on the treadmill in the hotel gym for 5 miles at 7:50 pace.

I not remember why I don't like the mid west, humid, humid, humid. 

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Run around some city blocks, early in the morning, did not see Dorthy, Toto, the Tinman, the lion or the scare crow.  But, did see a few scary homeless people.  It is good to be back home in Utah. 

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Run along the parkway to 4100 south and home.  Legs felt ok.  1/2 marathon on saturday. 

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Race: Provo River Half Marathon (13.1 Miles) 01:32:43, Place overall: 57, Place in age division: 3
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Where to start, on the way down to the race with my wife Sylvia, I decided to run the first 5K of the race hard, (hard for me).  This strategy was dangerous as I was a little out of my comfort zone.  I wanted to give myself a time cushion for the 1 mile (approx) pretty good uphill.  Also, I may have paid for the move later on.  But what the heck.  I turned out to be a good move,  I hooked up with a older runner, Andy, (61 who had won his division in St. George last year).  We were sizing each other up, were we in the same division?  I finally broke the ice and asked him what division he was in.  When we were both in different divisions we decided to work together to hold a 7 minute mile pace.  He was a great pacing partner, good conversation and motivation.  As we were going down the big hill, I commented that Kerry in my division, who usually beats me, was about 2 minutes behind coming up.  Andy said, he will never catch you, stay even.  Andy was right!

The Provo  River Half, the distance is always questionable.  I did not have my Garmin, I hope the course was 13.1.   My race time was exactly three minutes faster that the Bryce Canyon 1/2 marathon 3 weeks ago.  Sylvia was about 1 minute quicker.  If any fellow bloggers read this that ran the race and had a Garmin, what did the course measure?   Part of the hesitation to get too excited about my time, mile mark 5, we ran a 3 minute mile, another mile marker we ran an 11 minute mile.  I wish I had had the Garmin today. 

I was very happy with the 7:05 pace for the race and placing 57th overall (Well over 1,200 runners)  It is getting difficult to place in the top 100 at these larger races.  I am hoping to get into Hobblecreek, there has been a problem with the registration what was sent in plently of time.  If any of you bloggers have any pull with Hobblecreek, I could sure use help getting me and Sylvia in the race. 

Odd thing about my training:  my 5K race pace, last 5k was about 7:15.  (Murray 5K). 

Awards, Syvlia was 2nd and I was 3rd in my division.  It appears there we no awards.  Anyway, Curt is always unpredictable what he will do about awards.  For several years he gave nice wood plaques and other years prints of the Gaurdian of the Trail.  No matter, we have enough awards to fill the garage already. 

Last comments:  the last two tuesday workouts with the Black Sheep seem to be helping my ability to sustain the pace.  I am going to try and keep going.  If this turns out to be a 13.1 course, this is my fastest Provo River 1/2 and Half Marathon time in the last 5 years. 


Weight: 0.00Calories: 0.00
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Early morning recovery run, ran north along the Jordan Parkway to Garner Village and home.  8:55 pace.   Left hamstring a little sore after the race yesterday.  Got some real nice comments from bloggers on the race, thanks to all. 

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Early morning run along the parkway,  8miles at 8:45 pace.  Nothing exciting to report today.  One spooky thing, along the darkest part of the trail, ran into to hispanic males walking along the trail, odd for 5 a.m.   I had my pepper spray with me.  Murray has had some graffetti problems this summer.   Legs seem to be recovering well from the race on saturday. 

5 minutes on the exercise bike warmup, 1 mile on the treadmill, upper body circuit weights. 

Interesting, it is so fun after a race to read all the comments by bloggers on their race and the support of other bloggers.  Nice way to share the experiences of the races.  Cool.

Weight: 0.00Calories: 0.00
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Black Sheep Workout today and liberty park.   Yasso 800's,   1 mile warmup,  8 x 800 at marathon pace with a couple minute job between 800s.  1 mile cool down with Harry, Colleen and Sheldon.   The first couple of 800's were tough and I felt that I may not be able to complete the workout.  Was able to shake the cob webs from the 1/2 marathon on saturday and finished the workout in good fashion.  Averaged a 3:20 to 3:25 for each 800.  This is faster than marathon pace.  It seemed the everyone was doing them faster than marathon pace.  There may have bee a few runners at the front that could run 6 minute miles for a marathon given the pace they were running the 800s.

The group runs are very challenging, mentally rewarding and have a group goal atmosphere.  John Straley mentioned today that the group greatly helped in break three hours in the marathon last year.  No way is the a goal this year for me.  But, if I can be somewhere close to 7:30 pace I would be very happy. 

Anyway, thanks to the Black Sheep.


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Day Off, old legs tired and need a rest.  It seems after about 10 days of running in a row, I am always due for rest day.  It is tough for me, we always need to keep the weekly mileage total up there.  It is funny how every runner, from last to first in the race wants to know how they placed.  Runners hug the results like a long lost friend.  I am no different,  I have waited for the results of the Provo River Half marathon to post.  Yes,  57th overall.  I was quite surprised.  Happy days. 

Weight: 0.00Calories: 0.00
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State Capital, up to City Creek Canyon, up 3.5 miles and back down.  Ran with Colleen, Sheldon and Tony today.  Beautiful morning, white clouds with stars shining in the sky.  As I have a 20 miler tomorrow, ran fairly conservative except for pushing hard over the last 50 yards of the second real steep hill.  Also, ran a 6:30 mile for the last mile down the canyon.

*Note, leg strength getting better over the steep hills, I could have not done the 50 yard surge over the last steep part of the hill with the same intensity a month ago.  Also, downhill 6:30 pace on the gentle downhill felt smooth. 

Sheldon indicates we were 4 minutes faster today than a few months ago. 

 Lunch time, 5 minutes warmup on exercise bike, upper body weights and hamstring (exercise ball). 





























































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































Weight: 0.00Calories: 0.00
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Early morning run with Slyvia, we got a late start and cut the 20 mile planned run a little short.  Sylvia had a conference call.  Anyway, 17 was long enough as we have both been hitting the training hard.  If we don't get into Hobblecreek we will run a long run next saturday. 

I am coming to realize that I need a little more rest as I get older,  Half marathon race last saturday, the next tuesday speed workout yasso 800s, thursday city creek uphill hard run of 9 miles and then expect a great 20 miler on friday.  I really never want to admit it, I just don't recover like I did 20 years ago.  All in fun, another fun run in the morning.  I may run with the Locomotion Running Club. 


Weight: 0.00Calories: 0.00
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Early morning run, 8 miles at 8:37 pace, last mile 7:20.   Several running clubs, groups, doing long runs on the parkway today.  (Locamotion, SLC Track Club, Team in Training) I seen several runners I know in these clubs.  Sheldon's wife was manning (womening) one of the aid stations.  I stopped and talked to her a few moments. 

One odd thing, do runners really care how the look and what they wear when running?  I see some runners who look like they just posed for Runner's World Magazie and other runners who look like they just ran out of the homeless shelter.  Should we judge runners on appearance and dress?  If so, what would be the judging rools?  Maybe as follows:

Your not a real runner if:

1.  Your socks are higher than you ankles

2.  Your girls have never seen a jog bra (Sylvia's)

3.  If you wear the race shirt during the race

4.  Your running shoes have holes in them

5.  You own no "cool max"

6.  You wear you race number on your back

7.  You wear sweats in the middle of the summer to run

8.  Your running shorts hang below your ankles

9.  Your on a 5 mile run with a camel back and an ammo belt with 10 small bottles.

10.  You can't see your running shoes to tie them, beer belly guys.

11.  You run on the left side of the trail

12.  You run with a foursome during a race, 4 abreast.

13.  You measure your PR for a 5K in hours, not minutes.

I sure everyone could add to the list. 

Weight: 0.00Calories: 0.00
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6 a.m, run, Ran with the shuffle today, Gwen Steffani is my favorite and ACDC.  The clarity of the music, actually hearing the words, I know this is why many people run with them.  Nice relaxing run with only a few people on the parkway.  It was almost like a winter time run where I might not see another soul for 10 miles.  I seen the bushy tailed fox this morning. It really has a beautiful red tail.  I wondering how to taper for the half marathon next saturday.  (Got the snafoo correct, me and Sylvia are in Hobble Creek).  I really like the tuesday morning track workout that will likely be a ladder workout.  But, I wonder if it is too close to saturday. 

9 minute miles today.

Weight: 0.00Calories: 0.00
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5 a.m. Run, from home along the Jordan Parkway to 4100 South and home.  Legs felt better today after icing and stretching yesterday.  For those nature lovers, heard a yelping this morning, noise of a kit fox yelling for its mother.  It is kind of a unnerving sound if you have not heard it before.  It add to the unnerving when you are running in the dark. 

Lunch time, 5 min. exercise bike, 1 mile run at  8:13 pace.  The treadmill must be much easier than outside.  I feel like it is the same effort on the treadmill as outside, but, my pace is 8:45 outside at the same effort.  That big of difference?

Upper body circuit weights,  leg stretching. 




Weight: 0.00Calories: 0.00
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Black Sheep Workout today, group doing 3 sets of 5 x 400 meters around the track.  As I have Hobble Creek on Saturday, shortening the workout.  Completed 9 X 400s.

The first set of 5 a stayed with the second pack of 5 runners,  90 seconds, give 1 or 2 seconds either way.  The next four at 1:42 to 1:44 with Sheldon and Colleen. 

I really felt strong the first 4 of the 400s.  The East High track is a very nice track and easy on the legs.  Warmup and Cool down mile and 100 meters rest walk.jogs betwen 400s. 

I hope to not be caught in the gap, it seems I am a tweener, not quite fast enough to stay with the second a third small group for the entire workout, but, can stay ahead of the last group.  I hope to bridge the gap over the next few weeks. 


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Early morning run, very, very, easy pace.  Right hip flexor a little sore.  I may take the next couple days off from running before Hobble Creek.

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Easy lunch time run along the NorthWest, north of north temple, along the Jordan Parkway trail.  Temp. was not too hot.  Likely a day off coming before the race.  I started a strict diet today to hopefully lose 5 pounds in three weeks.  All I can think about is chocalate donuts.

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Race: Hobble Creek Half Marathon (13.1 Miles) 01:31:58, Place overall: 87, Place in age division: 2
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We, me and Sylvia,  had not ran Hobble Creek for about 9 years.  We had a bad experience 9 years ago with the race starting 2 hours late when it was 100 degrees (they ran out of water at the water stops).  It took a few years to get past the old experience.  Today's race started about 35 minutes or so late.  It was still cool up the canyon.  I like the new course, did not seem as fast as the course 9 years ago.  Talked to a couple of bloggers, a couple of Black Sheep and a couple of  non-affiliated runners before the start. 

My major goal for the race was to place in the top 100 and get the "elite 100 medal". I was very happy to cross the finish line and find out I was 87th (1200 plus runners, joggers and woggers).  I likely boasted too much about it.  I thought it would take a time under 1:30 to have a shot at the top 100.  I forgot my watch and Garmin today.  I had to rely on other runners for splits.  Before I give the splits, I am not sure if I ran a 1:30:59 or a 1:31:59.  I know this sounds crazy, race times were not posted or announced, except for the overall male winner and Hawk asked him what is time was.  This made me more suspicous that the time was off.  If any other bloggers wondered, your thoughts on this?  

2 miles reached at 13:30

8 miles reached at 54:40 -   (7:01 pace for the race at the 1:31:59 time)  This time is 44 seconds faster than the Provo Half two weeks ago. 

Sylvia, ran a great race today, 1st in her division. 1:46 or 1:45 and really went for it today.  I expect her to have a very good St.George and contend for the top 10 in her division, awesome wife. 

I did not feel good legs today.  I spent the first 8 miles of the race tucked behind other runners trying to benefit from their pace.  It worked to about 8 and 1/2.  I was then in no mans land, 2 runners passed me the rest of the way and I passed 3. I was gapped and could not get back to runners ahead of me.   With about 1/2 mile to go, John Straley and his brother Jeff were running back out on the course, John yelled, pass two more runners, two more runners.  I took this to think maybe he knew that I was in 102 place and needed to pass two runners.  Well, the motivation did work to get me to pick up the pace, but, I did not pass anyone to the finish. 

At about mile 9, a man and his wife with a young son were cheering runners on.  The little boy yelled to his parents, he's old.  I just threw my hands in the air, the mom got quite a laugh out of the whole thing.  I not sure how to take the comment.  But, it was funny.

Lastly, it is nice to place in a race, always being mindful that, it depends who shows up.    


Weight: 0.00Calories: 0.00
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Recovery run, nice easy run along the river, most dirt / gravel trail today.  Legs felt better than expected, no hot spots, just normal recovery.  The support of the bloggers has been great on race day.

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Ease 8 miles, 8:45 pace, Early morning run, along river trail to 4100 and home.  I bought some old style running shorts with side cuts.  It feels weird to run in them, but, they are comfortable and cool. 

Lunch time treadmill run, 4 miles at marathon pace, 7:36 pace.  Legs still tired from the race saturday.  Effort was intended to simulate last few miles of a marathon, if there is a way to simulate. 

Lastly, all the comments from the races have been great to read.  I expect TOU and St. George will have the blog buzzing. 



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Big, Big, mud slide on the Parkway overnight, at least 6 inches everywhere on the trail from my house to Garner Village and home.  I was really worried when I got hot about tracking all that mud in the house, sat on the front steps, took off my shoes, awoke from my running daze.  No mud on my shoes.   I'm sure I was running in 6 inches of mud. 

Skipped the Black Sheep workout thes morning, good thing, maybe over training without enough rest.  I may try a sand run at lunch.

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Another runner ran with me this morning, it was me, I was being followed by a moon shadow this morning.  I cherish these mornings as the tough and cold winter time runs will soon be here.  September and October are my favorite months for running.  I have had several of my running buddies say, taper more for the marathon.  It is very tough to taper and take time off after the marathon when every morning is a runners high durning the fall. 

I almost wish every weekend was a race, it is great to read all the war stories.   

Easy 3 mile run in the evening while Sylvia was home teaching.  Ran to the Never Bear and home.  The turnaround point is named the Never Bear, about 10 years ago a local "Chain Saw Wood Bear Carver" donated a 14 foot beared carved from a big tree.  As the wood was soft, it decayed in about 6 years and collapsed and was gone.  So, we have name the spot the Never Bear, as it will never be seen again. 

Weight: 0.00Calories: 0.00
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Early morning run, fu11 moon, great day, legs are somewhat heavy from all the training.  I expect this week will me my highest mileage week of the year, maybe 70 plus change. 

Lunch time run, treadmill conversion,  1 mile warmup,  3 x 1/2 mile at 6 minute mile pace, full recovery (heart rate back down to 120) before going again.  Max. heart rate 174 during the 1/2 mile.  Right upper thigh feels strained, decided not to push it with a couple of more, had the energy to complete a couple more.  Weight down to 155, goal 150 by St. George.  I read somewhere that up to 2 seconds per mile faster for every pound lost.  It sounds too good to be true.  But, I have been sold on snake oil before. 

B of BS Rools out

Weight: 0.00Calories: 0.00
Easy MilesMarathon Pace MilesThreshold MilesVO2 Max MilesCrosstraining milesTotal Miles

Easy, run, along the parkway to the Veterans Memorial and home.  Had 3 racoons run in front of me this morning. They may look cute in the cartoons, but, they are really creepy looking in the dark. 

Weight: 0.00Calories: 0.00
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Easy MilesMarathon Pace MilesThreshold MilesVO2 Max MilesCrosstraining milesTotal Miles
Weight: 0.00Calories: 0.00
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