3 Peak Link up. 30.6 miles 8235 vert. 6:50
3 week totals: 215 miles, 46,500 vert
I have always wanted to link up Ben Lomond, Willard and Lewis P.eak in a good long day, needed a long one today so that was the plan.
Getting comfortable being uncomfortable is a big part of the training goal for the 100 miler in 6 weeks and that was what today would be for the most part. Right out of the gate things felt bad, legs slow, gut churning. The morning, however, was very nice, off and on rain showers, nice and cool.
Had to keep it in low granny all morning and clocked my slowest time to BL this year 1:58. Even the night run was a little faster. Coming back from Willard Peak, walking off trail along the ridge line I stumbled into the now familiar (both me with them and them with me I think) heard of Moutnian Goats. They moved off just far enough for me to walk by, and stood and watched. Crazy, like 15 big billies 20 feet away looking at me like "there's that knucled head runner again"
I felt a little better on the way down from Ben Lomond to the car, 7.8 miles in 1:03, my watch clicked 20 miles just as I opened to the door. I refilled and was off for the long, hot haul to Lewis Peak. I was cooked and it was mostly a hike. For comparison, I ran this earlier in the week in an hour, today it was 1:30. I ran most of the way back to the car, though a couple of the rollers about did me in. Great run, long, run, hot run, gald to be done run.
PICTURES: (one loaded the rest are links, sorry)
Looking back toward Mt Ogden from the trail:
Lewis Peak, Malan's and Mt Ogden (look close for the red dots)
Up Close and personal with the goats (no zoom here)
Looking up back at Ben from Willard
Lookinb Back at Willard (cool off trail ridge route where the goats hang marked)
Trail to Ben Lomond from Lewis trail
Ben and Willard (just behind and to the left) from Lewis
http://picasaweb.google.com/110731470557570571093/BenLomondLewis#5503394237601854658 |