1 hour walk/hike on my old friend the Yeatman trail. No snakes (I feel safer walking here than I do running - mainly because I don't get to the truly dangerous spots walking and secondly because I can see better when I am walking) - but, I did see a HUGE and I do mean HUGE snake skin. I told Dean about it and said, "the snake it belongs to is even bigger, hence why he shed his skin). HUGE. Went up to see John. Made a HUGE amount of progress on my leg. I asked him, "so, when is this going to be fixed?" - he rolled his eyes. Then later I asked, "so, when do you think I can run again?", he looked at me and said, "isn't that another way of asking when is it going to be fixed?" and rolled his eyes. Lastly, I asked him before we left, "so, can I run tomorrow?". He said, "wait and see how badly it hurts". He thinks it will hurt from the treatment. He also showed me how to tape my foot, he wants me to tape it whenever I run for a while -- mainly he is doing this because he thinks I need orthotics ... we shall see.