1:18:24. Easy run from my office up to Wasatch Drive and back. I had to run later than usual because of meetings and whatnot this morning. I had a 5 x 2` min fartlek workout planned, but I decided not to do it. I have not had a "good" run all week and worse yet, feel really run down right now. I feel like I am walking a very fine line and did some probability modeling in my head and decided that the workout would not add that much benefit, but at this point could be what tips me over the wrong side of the line ... in hindsight I should have backed off the mileage last week, but I was feeling so good, that I thought I could back off the "intensity" and keep the mileage the same and still have a "recovery week". I guess 8 weeks of 50 or more miles with 3 "hard" days (including long run) isthe most I can handle (right now). It is hard to follow my brain (despite statistical evidence) and not my heart today -- after Wednesday's disappointment my gut reaction is to work even harder today; in reality, because of Wednesday (and my general fatigue this week) taking it easy is more conducive to maintaining whatever fitness I have developed. Besides, I have a VO2 max workout planned for next week that I don't want to compromise - that workout will have much more long term benefit than a 10 min fartlek workout. Sigh. Weekend goal: NO work! I am going to work as late as I have to tonight so I can take the whole weekend off ... rest, eat well, and think positive thoughts, that is my work for the weekend. Happy Friday Bloggers. |