1:37:30. Shhhhhh... don't tell Greg, I was only supposed to run 70` today, but after being cooped up on a plane all day Monday and in a conference room for 13 hours yesterday I was just SOOOO happy to be outside that I did not want to turn around at 35`. I had to get up super early again today, but I knew we would be finishing up around lunchtime so I thought I would just run after the meeting was over. Right after the meeting I had to run up to my room and finish a project that I couldn't finish into the weee hours last night (because I was so tired) - finally, I was able to get outside, and what a beautiful day. It took me about 20 mins to get to the Rock Creek Park trailhead, but it was such a pretty day ... I did not even might all the traffic. And the trail was heavenly. I saw a deer and a fox, the deer was so close, he did not even run when I came up on him ... these city deer are hard core ;-). Now I have to shower before my 4PM conference call and tonight I am going into the city to have some dinner with friends ... yea, just like old times. Hope you are all doing well, I miss you, I will get caught up this weekend!