Day off today ... feeling good (especially since I haven't done anything but work all day!). I am getting excited about my race ... especially after seeing how everyone on the blog had such good races this weekend -- even though most of you were running as workouts, you are inspiring. So, I normally don't blog on non-running things, but today I had some news that was peripherally related to running. Apparently my little attempt at humor a couple weeks ago has come back to haunt me. I had been blogging about the fact that Deena wouldn't have missed a run after a skin biopsy, so I shouldn't either. Apparently I now have some thing (only one thing really, since I am not fast ;-)) in common with Deena as I have been diagnosed with basal cell carcinoma -- the least serious type of cancer ever by the way so really NOT A BIG DEAL. Deena has also had melanoma, which is a big deal. Funny, as the original biopsy was related to a rash I have had for a couple of months and not to the "thing" on my leg. I probably have a couple of these "tumors" - as I had two biopsies taken, one from a rashy patch and one from my leg that the dermatologist thought was the same thing as the rash. I have two of these "spots" on my leg, and we only biopsied one of them. The doctors office had called twice last week but I was so busy with work stuff I did not bother calling back (I really thought the diagnosis would be: "itchy rash" - I even joked with him about this; and the cream he gave me a couple weeks ago is helping with this anyway!). I just decided to make the time to call today, and was ready to giggle (I am easily amused), and instead, I was a little shocked. Anyway -- two morals of the story are: use sunscreen (I use it every day - even in the rain and on cloudy days -- on my face and arms but have not been good about watching out for my legs), and look for weird skin changes regularly. This type of cancer is really not a big deal, except for the fact that it will likely cost me a couple days of running after the surgery - and it is likely that it will recur, so over time it could cost me many running days! I am glad I have been so good about sunscreen on my face my whole life, as the surgery definately leaves scars (and are common on noses and ears - that would look yucky). It would be great if I would change my habits and get out the door before sunrise (or earlier in the morning) -- but I am not going to hold my breath on that one! Anyway -- take care of yourselves bloggers - especially you guys living at high altitudes or nearer to the equator (stronger sun).