2nd place at Broken Boulder. Warmed up just a bit getting to packet pickup and then back to the car to switch out of my sweats and into my trail shoes. Race was a ton of fun. I ran with the guy who won for most of it, Chris. I was a bit faster on the flat sections and uphills but I was a little lost on the course and he was familiar with it, so I didn't want to push too far past him. He was faster on the technical parts so I kept getting worried when he put a bit of a gap between us on those. Chris got out of sight around mile 3 and I almost got lost but luckily we were pretty close to an aid station and I spotted it before I took a wrong turn. The trail cleared up and I was able to catch back up to him, we traded off leading on a massive hill that went on for about 3 quarters of a mile after that. Around mile 7/8 there was a super technical long stretch and he tapped me by a lot on that and I lost sight of him for the rest of the race. I need to get better at technical sections, they're particularly difficult out here because they're always covered in leaves... Maybe summer trail races will be easier for me haha. Very happy I was able to do this race! |