Long run with Jake. Took Friday off as well and now my tailbone feels 100% better, as does my throat. I think cutting out 2 runs runs totalling 10 miles to preserve my health was the right choice. Now I'm entering a long weekend feeling ready to go and ready for some big miles. Planning to do 10 tomorrow and then whatever workout Jake has on the schedule on Monday. I ran the fastest mile I've run since I was at suu today by a wide margin. We ran up big rock (was a mistake, very icy) and then around the city for a while and spontaneously decided to do a hard downhill mile. Jake finished maybe 1 second ahead of me but our watches got very different splits for our mile times, his was 4:33 and mine was 4:42. So we ran somewhere between those numbers. I felt great though, pretty sure I could go 20 seconds faster in a race down that street. Was highly enjoyable. We'll find out if I'm sore tomorrow I guess but I feel great, think I could go for another 13 miles now. I've got the Saint George Marathon in my sights for this fall, would like to go sub 2:40. Lots of fun races to focus on before then starting in March though. |