At the art institute, I think I will be able to run tonight, but its the heart of Chicago so probably not a super long run, so im hoping like 5-8 miles. The art museum is kind of cool and kind of not ok at all. I'm fairly certain I walked into a pedophile exhibition which was really weird like why would anyone want to see completely naked children, and it wasn't old, it was from this century... So I got out of there fast and ended up in the modern art exhibit, which wasn't that much better, there was a VERY weird painting, I mean I think paintings usually have way too much nudity, but this was like over the top not ok to be in a room that doesn't have a giant warning saying "Hey, this room contains paintings inappropriate for literally anyone to view" k maybe that's a little exaggerated, but it was really weird. There was also a sculpture of a male triceratops-bat who may or may not have seen a female triceratops-bat. So yeah, that's art for ya. I think that some art is really cool and impressive, but some of art is just weird crap. Well at least I've done a lot of walking the past 2 days. I ran 1.5 miles or so back from my brothers apartment to the hotel. I got back even later than last night, I got home after 10, Chicago isn't the greatest place to run either, I kept having to stop to cross the road. Oh well, this will count as my summer break from running, my ankle is hurting on the upper right side, hopefully tendonitis. |