3 years of high school gone by, fastest 3 years of my life! I am going to do some great things senior year. I ran in the gully today, tough 9 miles. I think I will do another 1.5-3 miles tonight and then 10 tomorrow, 12 wednesday, 6-8 thursday, Gully Time Trial and 10 overall on friday, 12 saturday. That will give me a 60+ mile week. I ran into my friend Alex Joseph after the run, he's changed a ton in the 2 years that I've known him, and he's going to the Naval Academy! Something I would never have guessed when I first met him, he's an interesting guy! I also saw my cousin and his girlfriend going to 24 fitness after the run, I didn't even know they lived around here! Well its finally summer time, and I am looking forward to a nice 11 weeks of summer mileage and lifeguarding.