WRC 10 Miler:
I showed up to the 10 miler not in the best condition. I was up for most of the night with stomach issues, dehydrated and I was way sore like I had a huge workout or something. So I was hoping with the USATF road circuit I could manage at least top 3 for points for the day. So that was the plan.
Did a quick 2 mile warm and I felt like garbage so I was just hoping for the best. As the race begun I went out a little slower for the first mile then I did the 10K. To my surprise at mile 1 I was by myself. I saw Riley and asked if anyone showed up(he got that in pictures below). So anyways I went a little slower again in mile 2 and I took a peak and did not see anyone at all. So I pushed for 2 more miles because that was the initial game plan. Push for 4, take 3 miles easy on the hills, push pace for 2 and just finish. Well at around mile 4 I had alreadu gained a 2+ minute lead and mentally checked out for the race. My hill splits and down hill splits were slower then on most training runs on the course. But it was sort of nice because I wasnt feeling it and I didnt want to beat myself up for this race
Overall it was good to get probably the easiest 1st place circuit points I will ever get without killing myself
It was good to see all! James and Steve I thought both of you guys ran well especially with the higher mileage on the legs.
Amy Cook is going to be a destroyer this year so watch out ladies.
So back to the drawing board. Riley thinks I am running the SLC full, but I think I need to set him straight!
splits-5:24; 5:00; 5:27; 5:21; 6:11; 6:21; 6:52; 5:06; 5:21; 5:32
Overall I am happy with getting miles in the bank. Feel like I couldve been in the mid 55:30s if felt better. But hey a win is a win! Congrats again to everyone!