2.90 mile warm
Headed down to Phoenix with Ken and Riley to nail a rust buster race. Weather was ideal, 39 degrees with slight tailwind.
Headed to the start line and saw some local Utahns. Sasha, Benjamin, Mike Hardy. Then right before the race got going Ben Bruce came strolling up to the line. Which was pretty cool too actually meet him for a second.
Gun went off and a lot of guys shot out of the gait and found myself in 10th to 11th pace! I stayed pretty conservative and gradually built into the pace that I wanted to hit for the run. Mile 1 I came through around 5:14 which was right where I wanted to be. By mile 2 I caught Benjamin and he attached on to me for the mile. Around 3.5 he was still tucked behind me. So I turned and told him he is more than welcome to draft off of me but he better hop in front for a bit and return the favor for me. He took the lead for about a half mile and then faded and I didn't see him again.
Mile 5 Steve Chu from Colorado came up on me and we worked together until mile 8. He put in a little surge and I couldn't respond. Legs felt like they were getting tired so it seemed. Around mile 11 nothing really changed breathing and leg wise. I realized that I actually had some left in the tank. Closed the last 2 mile in a 5:19; 5:13. Came through the finish in 6th place; 1:09:43; 5:19 avg/mile.
I am happy with the effort since I really didn't know what shape I was in. Also nice to see a sub 1:10 on an honest flat course. Really excited to start hitting the concrete phase of Half training and to improve upon this time.
Congrats to Riley for hitting a PR. He is going to be a beast come April. Excited to see what he can do.
Splits for race- 5:14; 5:11; 5:13; 5:16; 5:19; 5:15; 5:24; 5:22; 5:18; 5:24; 5:28; 5:19; 5:13.