Motivated to Succeed

Week starting Jul 15, 2012

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Member Since:

Jul 02, 2008



Goal Type:

Boston Qualifier

Running Accomplishments:



  •  2006 Mohawk Hudson River Marathon (NY)
  • 2007 Vermont City Marathon (VT)
  • 2011 BPAC 6 Hour Run (NY)
  • 2011 Mind the Ducks 12 Hour (NY)
  • 2012 Maple Leaf Indoor Marathon #1 (IN)
  • 2012 Maple Leaf Indoor Marathon #2 (IN)
  • 2012 BPAC 6 Hour Run (NY)
  • 2012 Mind the Ducks 12 Hour (NY)
  • 2012 Memorial Day Marathon (MA)
  • 2012 Around the Lake 12 Hour (MA)
  • 2012 Hancock Shaker Village 50 (MA) 
  • 2012 Bay State Marathon (MA)
  • 2012 First Descents Marathon (DE) 
  • 2013 Maple Leaf Indoor Marathon #1 (IN)
  • 2013 Maple Leaf Indoor Marathon #2 (IN) 
  • 2013 Circular Logic Marathon (IN)
  • 2013 Lake Waramaug 50M (CT)
  • 2013 BPAC 6 Hour Run (NY)
  • 2013 Ragnar Cape Cod Ultra Team (MA) 
  • 2013 Memorial Day Marathon (MA)
  • 2013 Relay For Life No. Berkshire (MA)
  • 2013 Ragnar Adirondack Ultra Team (MA)
  • 2013 BayState Marathon (MA)
  • 2013 One Day At the Fair Marathon (NJ)
  • 2013 West Palm Beaches Marathon (FL)
  • 2014 Arena Attack XL Center Marathon (CT)
  • 2014 Maple City 6-Pack Marathon #1 (IN)
  • 2014 Maple City 6-Pack Marathon #2 (IN)
  • 2014 Maple City 6-Pack Marathon #3 (IN)
  • 2014 Maple City 6-Pack Marathon #4 (IN)
  • 2014 Maple City 6-Pack Marathon #5 (IN)
  • 2014 Maple City 6-Pack Marathon #6 (IN)
  • 2014 Circular Logic Marathon (IN)

 Personal Bests:

  • 400 - 1:01 (2004)
  • 800 - 2:16 (2004)
  • Mile - 5:12 (2004)
  • 2Mile - 11:27 (2004)
  • 5k - 19:44 (2005)
  • 10k 40:46 (11/22/07)
  • 15k - 1:07:40 (11/11/07)
  • 13.11 Half - 1:38:31 (12/9/07)
  • Marathon 3:59:18 (1/25/14)
  • 50 miles 11:44 (5/14/11)

Eagle Scout with Bronze and Gold Palms (2002)

Biked from Ticonderoga, New York to Old Orchard Beach, Maine in August of 2005 (Total of about 290 miles

Short-Term Running Goals:

200 miles @ 72 Hour Race in May

Under 200 #

Sub 4:00 Marathon



Long-Term Running Goals:



I am 27.  Have done 33 marathons and ultras. Really trying to get in shape to get back to running the miles I want to. I love to read and worked for four years in a bookstore. I like to keep track of the books I read. Currently I work as a 6th & 7th grade history teacher at the only charter school in Berkshire County, as well as serve as the coach for the cross country team! Been experimenting as a pescatarian (eating only fish) since August 10, 2011. 


Just earned my Master's Degree in Adolescent Education for Social Studies. I have the most wonderful WIFE in the entire world.. EMMA! October 16, 2010

Run when you can, walk when you have to, crawl if you must. Just never give up! - Dean Karnazes -

We are all teachers and we are all students in this sport. - Dean Karnazes -

The simple act of putting one foot in front of the other and moving forward at an accelerated rate can be one of life's greatest - and simplest - pleasures. ~Dean Karnazes 

"Your beliefs become your thoughts, your thoughts become your words, your words become your actions, your actions become your habits, your habits become your values, your values become your destiny." - MK Gandhi 

"The marathon mercilessly rips off the outer layers of our defenses and leaves the raw human, vulnerable and naked. It is here you get an honest glimpse into the soul of an individual. Every insecurity and character flaw is open and on display for all the world to see. No communication is ever more real, no expression ever more honest. There is nothing left to hide behind. The marathon is the great equalizer. Ever movement, every word spoken and unspoken, is radiant truth. The veil has been obliterated. These are the profound moments of human interaction that I live for." - Dean Karnazes 


Benn Griffin

Create Your Badge{C} 

2014 Books I've Read: 





Favorite Blogs:

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Miles:This week: 0.00 Month: 0.00 Year: 0.00
Vibram Five Fingers KSO Lifetime Miles: 367.52
Vibram Komodo Sports (yellow) Lifetime Miles: 570.38
Vibram Bikilas (red) Lifetime Miles: 655.87
Vibram Bikilas (blue) Lifetime Miles: 414.89
Altra Lone Peak Lifetime Miles: 155.19
Lizzy Miles 2012 Lifetime Miles: 58.60
Vibram Komodo Sport (black) Lifetime Miles: 195.60
NB Trail Minimus (orange) Lifetime Miles: 101.74
Altra Instinct (grey) Lifetime Miles: 389.78
Vibram Bikilas (red #2) Lifetime Miles: 10.60
Vibram Bikilas (green) Lifetime Miles: 230.05
Altra Adams Lifetime Miles: 2.00
Merrell Road Glove Lifetime Miles: 46.11
Running MilesSwimming YardsBike Miles
Altra Lone Peak Miles: 9.00Lizzy Miles 2012 Miles: 8.00Vibram Komodo Sports (yellow) Miles: 22.81
Night Sleep Time: 0.00Nap Time: 0.00Total Sleep Time: 0.00Weight: 230.00
Running MilesSwimming YardsBike Miles

8:00 PM - Had the Borders Reunion Party in Spa Park at Coesa Pavilion today. What a great time had by all. Harry and Hayley taught me how to play cribbage which was fun, tried Steve's new Cherry IPA that he made, and got to see people I haven't seen in a couple years since Borders closed. All in all was a good time, minus the rain and then the deluge that soaked us to the bone in the long walk to the car. Thankfully my inner heat warmed me up though and I was able to get back to being somewhat dry after an hour an Uncommon Ground and a cup of dark roast. Made the long drive back to Galway and did 1 mile for the day. Very tired as I only had 4 hours of sleep last night. One mile in 9:27. 

Altra Lone Peak Miles: 1.00
Night Sleep Time: 0.00Nap Time: 0.00Total Sleep Time: 0.00Weight: 0.00
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8:40 PM - Went around the block with Emma and Lizzy butt. I think Lizz is starting to like going around the block here, but we need to stretch it out to perhaps the full 5k distance. There is another St. Bernard owner the next street over and St. Bernard owners must all be the same - I know I have Saint Radar and feel compelled to say hi and look at another St. We were walking past the house and they have already come out and said hi to Emm and Lizz before, but the couple were sitting on the couch and got up and creeped on us from the window. Kind of cute. I mean Lizz IS a really cute puppy so I can't blame them! Just 1.5 miles in 20 minutes. 

Altra Lone Peak Miles: 1.50Lizzy Miles 2012 Miles: 1.50
Night Sleep Time: 0.00Nap Time: 0.00Total Sleep Time: 0.00Weight: 0.00
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3:00 PM - Read another fifty or so pages of Jules Verne but Twenty Thousand Leagues Under the Sea is really starting to get to me; it's a hard book to muscle through with tricky vocabulary - am a bit lost at how I plan on teaching this to the seventh graders this year! Luckily I got a copy of Michael Crichton's Pirate Latitudes in the mail today. I plopped down on the couch and easily went through the first 100 pages. It is a quick read with an easy storyline to follow. Port Royal is an English outpost in a sea of Spanish colonies. The plague gripping England in the mid 1660s has prevented reinforcements and news from reaching the tiny outpost in the last two years and to fund operations and keep the city viable, the governor has decided to agree to privateering raids on Spanish ships at a towering fort Matanceros. It is full of drinking, lewd and lascivious behavior, and brawny, brawling men - seems kind of strange and a big change from some of Crichton's other works. I guess I wonder how much is actually his work. 

Today's temperature was 92, so I had to play it safe. It was deadly out there! I did about 6.31 miles in one hour flat which was enough for me, then cooled off in front of the a/c. Later on in the evening after dinner when Emily got home we did our usual around the block routine.

Total Time: 1:20:00 Total Distance: 7.81 miles Average Pace: 10:14

Vibram Komodo Sports (yellow) Miles: 6.31Lizzy Miles 2012 Miles: 1.50
Night Sleep Time: 0.00Nap Time: 0.00Total Sleep Time: 0.00Weight: 0.00
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9:00 AM - Today was set to be yet another scorcher. Emm is working the long shift today, so I went for a run in the morning, before spending the day trying to get more of my summer planning done. Made it through page 400 of Twenty Thousand Leagues Under the Sea. Also read another good chunk of Pirate Latitudes, Michael Crichton's last book before he died (actually published after his death). I continue to be amazed by the similarities between Verne's TTLUTS and ATWIED. Both stories have four main characters, one of which is wealthy, one of which is never phased by anything good nor bad, and of course one "villain" who deep down is a good guy. Hoping to finish both books tomorrow. Getting my read on this summer for sure.

Total Time: 1:18:09 Total Distance: 8.4 miles Average Pace:  9:18/ mile

Vibram Komodo Sports (yellow) Miles: 8.40
Night Sleep Time: 0.00Nap Time: 0.00Total Sleep Time: 0.00Weight: 229.00
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3:00 PM - Today was day #9 in the 120 Day Challenge. I feel good. Oddly enough left foot pain only hurts in the morning and then when walking around in slippers or sandals. It feels best when I am jogging! I guess this is a win for the running challenge! Lizzy had a date today with Sunny, one of my seventh graders's pups. We met at Taconic and had a fun time. I can't wait until they are able to come over again though, maybe to the house this time so that they can play in the kennel and Jon can jump on the trampoline if he wants. It would be a fun time! Today's schedule called for a 4 x mile workout. I did a Warm up followed by 4 x MILE @ 7:34, 7:33, 7:34, 7:29 and cool down, 6 miles total. (Total Time 49:21) This was the fastest and most consistent workout I've had in well over a year. I hope the gains keep coming!

Today's Haiku about training: 

Fought hard through the pain,
Equal splits are equal gains,

Nine days down, oh yeah! 

Total Time: 49:21 Total Distance: 6 miles Average Pace:  8:13/ mile

Vibram Komodo Sports (yellow) Miles: 6.00
Night Sleep Time: 0.00Nap Time: 0.00Total Sleep Time: 0.00Weight: 0.00
Running MilesSwimming YardsBike Miles

Day 10: 6.5 miles total

Trail Running is clutch, 
Rocks, Roots, and Erosion Bars,
Didn't trip today!

Ran 3 miles on my own (28:30) and then did the 3.5 mile Olivia's Overlook loop on the Burbank Trail (43:00). Making carrots with a honey/ginger sauce and a cheese less pizza for dinner tonight. Long trail run hopefully tomorrow. 

Altra Lone Peak Miles: 6.50Lizzy Miles 2012 Miles: 3.50
Night Sleep Time: 0.00Nap Time: 0.00Total Sleep Time: 0.00Weight: 231.00
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Day #11: Only 2.10 miles after a day of traveling and family and fun, but boy were they quality! .5 mile warm up, 1 mile all out in 5:53 (fastest mile since 2007!!), and .6 mile cool down, 16 minutes total.

A fat man running, 
BMI can suck it hard, 
I came. I conquered.

Vibram Komodo Sports (yellow) Miles: 2.10Lizzy Miles 2012 Miles: 1.50
Night Sleep Time: 0.00Nap Time: 0.00Total Sleep Time: 0.00Weight: 0.00
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Running MilesSwimming YardsBike Miles
Altra Lone Peak Miles: 9.00Lizzy Miles 2012 Miles: 8.00Vibram Komodo Sports (yellow) Miles: 22.81
Night Sleep Time: 0.00Nap Time: 0.00Total Sleep Time: 0.00Weight: 230.00
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