| Location: Pittsfield,MA, Member Since: Jul 02, 2008 Gender: Male Goal Type: Boston Qualifier Running Accomplishments:
- 2006 Mohawk Hudson River Marathon (NY)
- 2007 Vermont City Marathon (VT)
- 2011 BPAC 6 Hour Run (NY)
- 2011 Mind the Ducks 12 Hour (NY)
- 2012 Maple Leaf Indoor Marathon #1 (IN)
- 2012 Maple Leaf Indoor Marathon #2 (IN)
- 2012 BPAC 6 Hour Run (NY)
- 2012 Mind the Ducks 12 Hour (NY)
- 2012 Memorial Day Marathon (MA)
- 2012 Around the Lake 12 Hour (MA)
- 2012 Hancock Shaker Village 50 (MA)
- 2012 Bay State Marathon (MA)
- 2012 First Descents Marathon (DE)
- 2013 Maple Leaf Indoor Marathon #1 (IN)
- 2013 Maple Leaf Indoor Marathon #2 (IN)
- 2013 Circular Logic Marathon (IN)
- 2013 Lake Waramaug 50M (CT)
- 2013 BPAC 6 Hour Run (NY)
- 2013 Ragnar Cape Cod Ultra Team (MA)
- 2013 Memorial Day Marathon (MA)
- 2013 Relay For Life No. Berkshire (MA)
- 2013 Ragnar Adirondack Ultra Team (MA)
- 2013 BayState Marathon (MA)
- 2013 One Day At the Fair Marathon (NJ)
- 2013 West Palm Beaches Marathon (FL)
- 2014 Arena Attack XL Center Marathon (CT)
- 2014 Maple City 6-Pack Marathon #1 (IN)
- 2014 Maple City 6-Pack Marathon #2 (IN)
- 2014 Maple City 6-Pack Marathon #3 (IN)
- 2014 Maple City 6-Pack Marathon #4 (IN)
- 2014 Maple City 6-Pack Marathon #5 (IN)
- 2014 Maple City 6-Pack Marathon #6 (IN)
- 2014 Circular Logic Marathon (IN)
Personal Bests:
- 400 - 1:01 (2004)
- 800 - 2:16 (2004)
- Mile - 5:12 (2004)
- 2Mile - 11:27 (2004)
- 5k - 19:44 (2005)
- 10k 40:46 (11/22/07)
- 15k - 1:07:40 (11/11/07)
- 13.11 Half - 1:38:31 (12/9/07)
- Marathon 3:59:18 (1/25/14)
- 50 miles 11:44 (5/14/11)
Eagle Scout with Bronze and Gold Palms (2002)
Biked from Ticonderoga, New York to Old Orchard Beach, Maine in August of 2005 (Total of about 290 miles Short-Term Running Goals: 200 miles @ 72 Hour Race in May
Under 200 #
Sub 4:00 Marathon
Long-Term Running Goals: QUALIFY AND RUN IN THE BOSTON MARATHON. Personal: I am 27. Have done 33 marathons and ultras. Really trying to get in shape to get back to running the miles I want to. I love to read and worked for four years in a bookstore. I like to keep track of the books I read. Currently I work as a 6th & 7th grade history teacher at the only charter school in Berkshire County, as well as serve as the coach for the cross country team! Been experimenting as a pescatarian (eating only fish) since August 10, 2011.
Just earned my Master's Degree in Adolescent Education for Social Studies. I have the most wonderful WIFE in the entire world.. EMMA! October 16, 2010
Run when you can, walk when you have to, crawl if you must. Just never give up! - Dean Karnazes -
We are all teachers and we are all students in this sport. - Dean Karnazes -
The simple act of putting one foot in front of the other and moving forward at an accelerated rate can be one of life's greatest - and simplest - pleasures. ~Dean Karnazes
"Your beliefs become your thoughts, your thoughts become your words, your words become your actions, your actions become your habits, your habits become your values, your values become your destiny." - MK Gandhi
"The marathon mercilessly rips off the outer layers of our defenses and leaves the raw human, vulnerable and naked. It is here you get an honest glimpse into the soul of an individual. Every insecurity and character flaw is open and on display for all the world to see. No communication is ever more real, no expression ever more honest. There is nothing left to hide behind. The marathon is the great equalizer. Ever movement, every word spoken and unspoken, is radiant truth. The veil has been obliterated. These are the profound moments of human interaction that I live for." - Dean Karnazes
Benn Griffin

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| Running Miles | Swimming Yards | Bike Miles | 6.99 | 0.00 | 0.00 |
Night Sleep Time: 0.00 | Nap Time: 0.00 | Total Sleep Time: 0.00 | Weight: 0.00 | |
| Running Miles | Swimming Yards | Bike Miles | 0.00 | 0.00 | 0.00 |

Above: A picture of "the bean" [Jane - 1 mos. old] and me! She's so adorable and I can tell she has runner's legs and feet already! I'm going to have to teach her the art of the long distance runner! :) Perhaps a future Olympian! AM - Did 200 situps, 250 crunches, 80 pushups and 3 x 15 @ 12 lbs; Gorgeous day out. Mid 30s; Hasn't been this warm since the injury like 6 weeks ago. Really trying to stay positive but finding it increasingly hard to do. Don't want to try anything until I see the specialist though. Praying that I can run again. I would take 10 minute miles even, just don't want to hear the dreaded words "Your running career is over". gag. PM - 150 situps, 200 crunches, 50 pushups, 3 x 15 @ 12 lbs. Exhausted, though on a positive, I haven't had any pain on my achilles in a while; kind of anxious to see what the story is with it. I really just want to start running again. I don't wish a forced hiatus from our sport on any one of you. Phew it's exhausting in itself.
Night Sleep Time: 0.00 | Nap Time: 0.00 | Total Sleep Time: 0.00 | Weight: 0.00 |
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| Running Miles | Swimming Yards | Bike Miles | 1.07 | 0.00 | 0.00 |
AM - 200 crunches, 100 situps, 3 x 15 @12 lbs; Getting nervous about the specialist tomorrow. My achilles is feeling better - the heel lift definitely helps! But I don't want to hear that it is torn or whatever. I just really want to be able to start doing a couple miles here! I tried to take a picture to show how I am overpronating, which you all say is probably the cause for my problems, but I already have had orthotics that I have used for 3 years, so they are supposed to correct them. Praying that tomorrow brings good news. 
2:00 PM - Went for a walk at moderate pace. Ended up doing 20:00 pain free minutes and 1.07 miles. I feel that progress is in order and am anxiously awaiting tomorrow afternoon's appointment.
Night Sleep Time: 0.00 | Nap Time: 0.00 | Total Sleep Time: 0.00 | Weight: 0.00 |
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| Running Miles | Swimming Yards | Bike Miles | 0.00 | 0.00 | 0.00 |
TODAY = DOCTOR DAY!! Appointment Time: 3:00pm - So I nervously parked the car about quarter to in the parking lot and made my way inside. Filled out some paperwork, and sat there looking through the adventure and skiing magazines until they called my name. The guy that called my name was pretty cool and laid back and brought me to a room and went "So you think you have achilles tendinitis?" And I gave my whole shpeel about January 21st running on the treadmill, soreness afterwards, red, puffy, iced 20 on, 20 off for a couple hours, then four to five times a day after that. Practice R.I.C.E. (rest, ice, compression, elevation) for a few weeks, then after reading a couple of articles and books about the matter, decided on implementing a heel lift, and experimented with slight stretching and eccentric exercises, then thought better of the latter once it seemed to be doing more harm than good. Meanwhile I forgot to pause and when I finally did the guy looks at me dumbfounded and goes "Right, the doctor will be in to see you in a minute". Oops! So then the doc comes in, a nice guy tall, late 30s or so; Turns out he is a runner as well, a pronator like me, and has successfully completed 15 marathons. So I lapsed into my story again, explaining how I came up with a heel lift and everything, step by step how I've been monitoring my progress, and trying to take it easy. He agrees with everything I've been doing. He checked out the achilles and since I was pretty pain free, he explained that if I had come to the office earlier he probably would not have done much differently. Achilles tendinitis is different for each runner, he said and, that I show a lot of dedication and self control being able to stay away from running. At this point I couldn't hold back and explained that actually I'm a member of a really cool running blog, and thankfully there are a lot of friends here who have offered insight, suggestions, and some of the best motivation and encouragement that I've ever received. To make a long story short, it felt good to hear from him when talking to the nurse, "You know, it is nice to have a patient that treats himself the correct way; this is a sharp young man. Wish we had more people like him." I also told him how I managed 20 pain free minutes of walking yesterday, and he told me to start back slowly, progressing to 3 miles of painfree walking and then slowly incorporating say a half mile of light (10-12 minute pace) jogging when I felt ready, using walking as a warm up and cool down. While at work on my break, I was perusing Noake's Lore of Running, and looking at his suggestion for beginner marathoners. He had a table of using minutes, rather than miles to record progress, much like Gordon Bloch in his book How to Train for and Run Your Best Marathon; Now I'm not even considering a marathon at all and am promptly sending a cancellation for my entry for the 6/1 race (I feel it's the right thing to do; rather than risk reinjury) - But I think I can tailor their plans my needs. Noakes' suggests 5 days of 25-30 minutes of walking/running for the first 3 weeks of the beginner plan, I will modify this slightly, go by feel, and hopefully by the end of march progress to light runs. Perhaps uplifting, was reading about the early 1900s runners that used walking for recovery and actual training, advocating this activity for its easing of the pressure and impact on the joints. So, in short slow and steady is the suggestion and my decision. I am going to go check out some new shoes tomorrow, as per the doctor's suggestion, he recommended Brooks' Addictions (aptly named, don't you think?) and gave me a running store about an hour away that is great for helping you try out new running stuff. I might go there tomorrow after I finish my work. Another thing I took away from Noakes' that resonates in all the blogs here at FRB is that a run (or walk) is what youmake of it. There is a positive to every day, and something to learn from every run. Every step is helping us to become more aware of our bodies and our place in the world. I think that it will be important to continue to draw on the support of others that have gone through such problems and continue to blog. Finding something positive, or something learned about each and every day will aid the healing progress. The doc said I'm well on my way to healing and getting back out on the roads. Thanks for all of your concerns, suggestions, and unwavering support. You guys and gals make each and every day a great one. As Jody would say, "Happy Running!", and thanks a million. You truly are amazing people, and have changed my outlook on not only training, but my life and my impact on others'. >>Benn<<
Night Sleep Time: 0.00 | Nap Time: 0.00 | Total Sleep Time: 0.00 | Weight: 0.00 |
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| Running Miles | Swimming Yards | Bike Miles | 1.75 | 0.00 | 0.00 |
2:00 PM - Made the drive down to Albany to find the Fit Feet Running speciality store that the doctor mentioned, and found it with ease. Really loved the guy that was working there; he actually knew stuff, as opposed to every other store I've gone to. And the shoe fit! Tried on the Brooks Addiction 7 and found it to be roomy and comfortable. He had me hop on a treadmill to test it out. It's nice. They have a treadmill and a camera set up behind it to video your running gait if needed. After only about 2 minutes I knew this shoe was a winner. A little pricey, but I think well worth the investment. I still love my Asics 2110s and 2120s, but they just don't have the necessary support that I need right now. This afternoon I walked a gentle 30 minutes. It feels like spring outside, just about 40 degrees and sunny with crystal clear blue skies. Gorgeous. Total Time: 30:00 Total Mileage: 1.65 Average Pace: 18:10/ mile Thanks for all of your support everyone! Think Spring!
7:00 PM - 50 pushups, 100 situps, 200 crunches, 3 x 15 @ 12 lbs arms
Night Sleep Time: 0.00 | Nap Time: 0.00 | Total Sleep Time: 0.00 | Weight: 0.00 |
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| Running Miles | Swimming Yards | Bike Miles | 2.07 | 0.00 | 0.00 |
9:00 AM - Went for a walk in my new Brooks' Addictions. Felt calm and pain free the entire time. Made sure to ease into it and 10 mins of light stretching before hand, followed by 15 minutes of stretching after the walk. We have lucked out the last two days for weather - I hear we have a nasty storm ready to pound us once again this weekend. Read some of latest issue of Running Times, and really enjoyed the article about 5 best races of all time, though I think there are a hundred more that could have made the list. Also the article on Kara Goucher was motivating. Looking forward to the weekend, and then easing into perhaps 4 or 5 walks next week. Total Time: 37:00 Total Mileage: 2.07 miles Average Pace: 17:52 / mile Mile 1: 18:13 Mile 2: 17:39 11:00 PM - After work, did 225 easy crunches just for fun. :) Felt good this week to actually have some (+) mileage on the board! Tomorrow will most likely be a rest day, and then an easy day on Sunday. We're making progress towards spring!
Night Sleep Time: 0.00 | Nap Time: 0.00 | Total Sleep Time: 0.00 | Weight: 0.00 |
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| Running Miles | Swimming Yards | Bike Miles | 2.10 | 0.00 | 0.00 |
2:00 PM - 200 crunches and 50 pushups, followed by a nice 2.1 mile stroll on the treadmill. Felt nice and easy. Feeling pretty good today. Total Mileage: 2.1 miles Total Time: 37:30 Average Pace: 17:51 / mile
Night Sleep Time: 0.00 | Nap Time: 0.00 | Total Sleep Time: 0.00 | Weight: 0.00 |
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| Running Miles | Swimming Yards | Bike Miles | 6.99 | 0.00 | 0.00 |
Night Sleep Time: 0.00 | Nap Time: 0.00 | Total Sleep Time: 0.00 | Weight: 0.00 | |
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