Doh! My long entry got erased! No running today, but even better news. As many of you know, we lost our St. Bernard this summer and everyone has been down in the dumps ever since. Not just us, but our dog, Libbi (a Great Pyrenees Mt. Dog) too! But we won't be sad any more! We all have a new addition to the family!:

Aggie right after she got home today. Her daddy was a show dog and a beast at 206 lbs. She is 14 wks old and already 25 pounds so I have a feeling she will be a big one too!

My Dad, Aggie, and Harry (my youngest brother who is 14) in our turn around spot in our driveway.

When she first got home, she was scared of Libbi, and Libbi was scared of her so Aggie went scurrying under the car and my mom had to put it in neutral and move the car to eventually get her out of there. She's since calmed down and wolfed down 2 full bowls of dogfood already! :)

Harry, "Aggie", Me, "Libbi" - who would not pose for the camera! |