10:00 AM - Went to the YMCA, despite 40mph winds and near white out conditions. We've got about 8 inches of snow since midnight. Was not expecting to see the entire parking lot full, as I go to a very small out in the country type of YMCA. Turns out there was a pickleball tournament going on (Had never really seen this sport before, so took the time to watch for a few minutes - quite amusing, though it seemed the average age of the participants was well above 60). Luckily there was space enough for me to find a stationary bike, though the recumbants were taken, as two of the three stationaries were broken I guess. Overall, felt really good, and made sure resistance was a 10 of 14 being the max. Definitely worked up a sweat and kept the speed over 20mph the entire ride!! Total Time: 36:15 Total Mileage (biked): 13.28 Wanted to stay on longer, but stupid rules say you can only stay on for 30 minutes at a time, and I had already eaten up someone else's chunk of time, which was pointed out to me upon which I promptly and genuinely apologized. Oops! Had to shovel out our mailbox from its ice encased cocoon because we received a nice little note informing us they have suspended mail service until we do. Then stacked wood. Did a little jog up and down our driveway .1 miles each way (about 550 feet long each way). Achilles is a little sore from the biking. So I cam inside after and iced. Come on recovery!