Day #120: 4 miles total in 34:11; Got through the day at work and came home, knowing that I was going to complete something if it killed me. I must have rolled my ankle without knowing it in practice on Monday and my ankle was incredibly sore the last two days, but nothing was going to stop me from completing my goal of running 120 days in a row. I've learned a lot during my 120 days of movement. I've learned that I can persevere if I set my mind to it. I've learned I can somewhat balance work and personal life together and that making myself run a mile even on the really bad days make those bad days not so bad. I think running is a truly amazing thing, a great passion of mine, and something I want to pass on to others after I'm dead and buried. I want to help people infuse their lives with happiness, with forward movement. There were days that I told myself, "no way, no how" am I going to log that mile today. But then I forced myself to roll off the couch (sometimes at 10:30 or 11:00 at night), and made myself slug through a mile. I have run miles barefoot, in Vibram Five Fingers, in work shoes, in hiking boots, and in warm, comfy slippers. No mile was particularly more valuable than another. Rather, it was the whole of the activity, the pursuit of the goal of 4 months of continuous movement that has changed my outlook on the sport. Along the way I've logged over 632 miles, ran a personal best at the marathon distance without a set training plan, scaled the highest mountain in the state of Massachusetts 3 times within as many weeks. I have endured aches, pains, and sicknesses. But the bull-headed stubborn me fought through it, refusing to concede defeat. Have I come out lighter? Mildly. I am finally sitting under 220 pounds for the first time in two years. I feel like I have gained muscle and lost some fat, but still sitting at 219#. I have gained energy (on most days). It is really great to think about what the future holds. I want to inspire others to push themselves to do what they think is outside their reach. I want them to strive and work, and if they do not succeed the first time, revise and revamp their approach and give it another go. Life is too short to be filled with "I cants". We need to change the world one step at a time, whether it be a step up a mountain, down a hall, into a classroom, into a doctor's office. Make the change and the choice you are given each and every day to live life to the fullest. I hope to join some of you in your quests for personal greatness and I hope you will follow me. I am not done yet! Valuable miles Shed enlightenment for me We can ALL do THIS!