8:20 AM - Woke up and the basement was freezing! No wonder why my parents were so willing back in the day to let me essentially take it over as my bachelor pad! Brrr! After a cup of coffee I layered up with 2 pairs of socks (wouldn't fit in my shoes, so I had to cut it to 1), a pair of short spandex, pair of long spandex and a pair of running pants, and then hats, gloves, and an a-shirt, long sleeve cotton shirt, long sleeve thermal shirt, and long sleeve sport shirt, oh and a sweatshirt! After all that I got in the car which didn't want to start. Finally turned over and drove to the school to do a quick run. Air temperature at the start of the run was -5 degrees !!! (Yes, NEGATIVE!)[wind chill factor of between: minus 15 and minus 20!]. It was sunny though so that was nice. Couldn't do much more than 30 minutes, else my eyelids might have entirely frozen shut. As it was I had to take my hand out of the glove and melt the ice away from my eyelashes every half mile or so. It was a fun run though. But I did get some strange looks. I am attaching a picture of me after the run and 2 pictures of the sunrise the other day which was spectacular from my house. Splits were:
- Mile 1: 8:58
- Mile 2: 8:50
- Mile 3: 8:22
- .57: 4:28 (7:52 pace)
Total Time: 30:40 Total Distance: 3.57 mi Average Pace: 8:35

View looking Southeast from my Garage.

Another shot before I headed to work, ~7:20 AM
And now, for the moment I'm sure everyone's been waiting for... what I have titled "THE ICEMAN RUNNETH":

7:20 PM - Did about 20 minutes of core exercises, freeweights, pushups, and crunches. Felt good. |