| Location: Middle Grove,NY, Member Since: Nov 01, 2007 Gender: Male Goal Type: Other Running Accomplishments:
Finished two marathons before my 21st birthday this year (5.28.07), First Marathon - 10/08/06 - Mohawk Hudson River Marathon 4:26:57, Second Marathon - 5/27/07 - Vermont City Marathon 4:32:xx
Personal Bests:
- 400 - 1:01 (2004)
- 800 - 2:16 (2004)
- Mile - 5:12 (2004)
- 2Mile - 11:27 (2004)
- 5k - 19:44 (2005)
- 10k 40:46 (11/22/07)
- 15k - 1:07:40 (11/11/07)
- 13.11 Half - 1:38:31 (12/9/07)
- Marathon 4:26:57 (2006)
Gave up soda starting November 23, 2006. Still going strong. Eagle Scout with Bronze and Gold Palms (2002)
Biked from Ticonderoga, New York to Old Orchard Beach, Maine in August of 2005 (Total of about 290 miles) Short-Term Running Goals:
- Be able to run more than 3 miles pain free again.
- Eliminate processed foods from my diet.
- Increased Focus on Core Strength Exercises.
- No Eating After 8:00pm!
- Get more sleep.
- Most importantly, Think POSITIVE!!!
50 MILE and 100 MILE bike rides before the end of the year!
Long-Term Running Goals: Be able to lace up my shoes and head out the door into my 70s, 80s, and 90s. Would like to do a marathon in as many states and countries as I can.
- Break 19 minutes for a 5k
- Break 39 minutes for a 10k
- Break 60 minutes for a 15k
Break 1:40 for a half marathon
- Break 1:33 for half marathon
- Under 3:10:59 in full marathon (*BQ)
Run a TRAIL Marathon as well as at least one 50 or 100 MILER in my life!
Personal: "Just Race" - Jonn during Stockade-athon 15k 11.11.2007
"Get out the door and let the run happen." - Sasha
**Trying hard to live up to both of these goals!** Determined to finish more marathons, and hopefully a 50miler one day!
I live in upstate NY. I am the oldest of four kids. I've been running since the spring of 2003 when I decided to shed some extra weight and maybe go out for my high school cross country team. Currently am doing MS in Education. Hope to teach Social Studies one day. I have the most amazing girlfriend ever, and she frequently goes running/jogging/hiking with me. Going to marry her one day :) |
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Miles: | This week: | 0.00 |
Month: | 0.00 |
Year: | 0.00 |
| Easy Miles | Marathon Pace Miles | Threshold Miles | VO2 Max Miles | Crosstraining miles | Total Miles | 10.13 | 0.00 | 0.00 | 0.00 | 12.10 | 22.23 |
| Easy Miles | Marathon Pace Miles | Threshold Miles | VO2 Max Miles | Crosstraining miles | Total Miles | 3.50 | 0.00 | 0.00 | 0.00 | 0.00 | 3.50 |
5:15 PM - Sunny and temp was about 82 degrees. Emmy was still here so I was able to have someone to do my shuffle with. We went down to my dad's school to the nature trail. We stretched and then started with 1 loop on the big trail, followed by 2 on the small, then another 2 big loops. Overall I felt good, except for when I scissor kicked a fallen branch and it left a gash on my bad achilles of course. No pain really from this though, nor the run the other day. Yesterday was a big day with Jonny getting his Eagle Award and everything. It felt really good to be a part of the ceremony, and I could tell my parents were proud. Jonn even surprised my mom and gave her a special award which made her cry. So cute. Overall today it was a good day. I did 2.6 miles of jogging, and .9 miles of walking warmup/cool down. For the run..
Total Time: 30:00 Total Mileage: 2.6 miles Average Pace: 11:32/ mile | Comments(2) |
| Easy Miles | Marathon Pace Miles | Threshold Miles | VO2 Max Miles | Crosstraining miles | Total Miles | 2.00 | 0.00 | 0.00 | 0.00 | 3.10 | 5.10 |
7:40 AM - So yesterday's ride got cancelled do to severe thunderstorms. Luckily since we're in the foothills they missed us just barely again. We got loads of rain and lightning, but fortunately no hail. About 15 miles south of us they showed pictures of 2" diameter hail, the worst in nearly thirty years!! So many cars and houses were trashed! Said a prayer of thanks that it didn't hit us!
Woke up early this morning because I helped out at another Eagle Scout Ceremony for another kid in Jonny's scout troop who had his court of honor last night. I was asked to give the Eagle Charge and it was a very nice ceremony at the Catholic Church in the village. Biked to the track and stretched and eased into 2 miles of jogging. It felt really slow and relaxed like at relay, but I don't know if it was because of the biking cadence or something, but I went faster than I wanted to. (8:56 and 8:55 were the splits). Then I biked back home. A nice little workout, and I think this will work nicely to get both x-training and running in. I wanted to ride more, but didn't because I have a long day at work today 11am to 8pm. This week is going to be a long one work wise as I'm scheduled a full 40 hours, so I think I might have to make do with the shorter workouts like this.
Total Time: 53:00 Total Mileage: 11.3 miles Average Speed: 12.6mph | Add Comment |
| Easy Miles | Marathon Pace Miles | Threshold Miles | VO2 Max Miles | Crosstraining miles | Total Miles | 2.50 | 0.00 | 0.00 | 0.00 | 5.97 | 8.47 |
8:30 AM - Windy, overcast. Temp at start about 58. Became partly sunny midway through, though wind stayed. Expected to get more storms this afternoon. Good news is that no pain despite the early a.m. run yesterday and then on my feet all day 11am to 8pm!! Crossing fingers that this continues. For today, biked on the backroads to Crane Rd. 3.25 miles in 12:07, then did 2 miles of jogging in 22:28 (11:11 and 11:17 splits), .5 mile cool down, stretching, then eased into 14.67 miles of biking in 55:01. All in all a great day!
Total Time: 1:29:46 Total Mileage: 20.42 Average Speed: ~13.61mph | Comments(4) |
| Easy Miles | Marathon Pace Miles | Threshold Miles | VO2 Max Miles | Crosstraining miles | Total Miles | 2.13 | 0.00 | 0.00 | 0.00 | 3.03 | 5.16 |
3:45 PM - the weather this week and for the upcoming weekend isn't exactly Summerish. It's rained on and off the entire day and tonight was no different. Temp was ~68 or so, cloudy and windy. Not good biking weather. I decided to do a short workout, and biked to the track 4.54 miles in 17:32, then eased into jogging. It started to thunder and rain on me so it was all I could do to get the 2.13 miles in in 20:49 (9:46/mile - faster than I wanted to go :(). Biked home the 4.54 miles in 18:15. Tonight is the first of two nights of Dave Matthews Band concert in Saratoga so the traffic was crazy. Luckily I'm not going near there tonight!
Total Time: 56:38 Total Distance: 11.2 miles Average Speed: 11.9 mph | Comments(9) |
| Easy Miles | Marathon Pace Miles | Threshold Miles | VO2 Max Miles | Crosstraining miles | Total Miles | 0.00 | 0.00 | 0.00 | 0.00 | 0.00 | 0.00 |
6:00 AM - Very exciting morning so far. Am on my way to work, and just placed an order online for my new road bike! It will be my first one and man did I snag a deal. Through the brand's website this 2008 Dawes Lightning 1500 retails for $1195 plus tax and shipping. My price? $495.99 INCLUDING 0 TAX and FREE SHIPPING! Such a good deal that my younger brother Jonn wanted one for his bday so my mom ordered him one earlier in the week. Lucky duck! He'll get it before me! I'm stoked! And it comes with free aero bars so I can't wait to take it on its first test ride!

| Comments(3) |
| Easy Miles | Marathon Pace Miles | Threshold Miles | VO2 Max Miles | Crosstraining miles | Total Miles | 10.13 | 0.00 | 0.00 | 0.00 | 12.10 | 22.23 |
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