12:00 PM - 55 degrees, cloudy, wind 15-20mph. Man. This might very well take the cake. Just finished the hardest bike ride that I can remember, almost as difficult as biking through the White Mountains in New Hampshire on the way to Maine. The wind was basically in my face the entire way except for a grateful few miles in the middle of the ride. Felt really great today! Felt so great though, despite the fact this was also my longest ride in about 2 years!
200 crunches, 100 situps, pushups, 3 x 12 @ 12 lb arm
New 2008 PR's for biking: 1/2 (13.11 mi): 45:50; FULL (26.22 mi): 1:36:53
Total Time: 2:00:01 Total Distance: 30.68 miles Average Speed: 15.3 mph
Weight: 174 (-4 pounds from this time last week!) |