Tried putting weight on my ankle this morning. There was hardly any pain at first, but after a while I felt a little pain, so I will use the crutches during the day and when at home I will try to go without.
There is a Princess cruise ship in the harbor here that I can see from my home. There have been 20 people on the who have come down with the Corona virus. They have been transporting those people to a hospital here, and I just read in the news that the hospital is the hospital just up the hill from my home. A little unsettling to know that the virus is that close to home.
I wonder how long the ship in the harbor will be under quaranteen. There is an America on the ship who sent a video to his family explaining the situation. He has diabetes and is running out of Insulin. He has asked for help and his requests have been ignored he said. That is a little scary.