It's over, man. Let her go.

2013 Pittsburgh Marathon (kinda)

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Member Since:

Jan 04, 2010



Goal Type:

Recover From Injury

Running Accomplishments:

In late 2008 I decided I needed to get in better shape and started running again.  I ran my first formal road race ever, a half marathon, in late 2009.

(unofficial) Track 1 Mile - 7:32 (4/24/2010)  6:56 (9/27/2010)

5k - 27:31 - Riverview Run on 06/11/2010
22:39 - Gatorade Steelers 5k on 09/04/2010

10k - 50:43 - Riverside Run on 04/10/2010

Half - 2:02:58 - Just a Short Run on 03/27/2010
1:51:47 - IKEA Montour Trail Half on 09/11/2010

Short-Term Running Goals:

2011 Races:

Sept 25 - The Great Race 10k (59:15)
Nov 5 - Dirt Monster 5mi (52:59)

2012 Races:

June 8 - Riverside 5k  (27:49)
Sept 2 - Gatorade Steelers 5k (route) with Steve!  (27:39)
Sept 30 - The Great Race 10k (route)  (53:48)
Nov 3 - The Dirt Monster 5mi (52:55)

2013 Races:

May - Pittsburgh Marathon (started, but DNF about the half way point)
June - Riverview 5k  - Bummed I missed signing up for this one. It's one of my favorites!
Sept - Gatorade/Steelers 5k. (Signed up!)
Sept - IKEA Montour Trail Half  (prob not, but leaving it on here)
Sept - The Great Race 10k (My Running 101 goal race)
Nov - Dirt Monster 5mi (Gotta do it again no matter what!)

Long-Term Running Goals:

Finish recovering from my injuries and build mileage.  That is all.


My name is Wes, I'm married with two wonderful children. The nickname BaldNSpicy came from the fact that I have been balding for a (long) while now and spicy for my love of very spicy foods (Thai and extremely hot wings are my favorites).  If eating doesn't bring me near tears and leave me sweating, it's not worth eating.  :-)

Oh, and I'm also known for my doorags.

Favorite Quotes:

"Running without hills is like motorcycling without corners." - rAtTLeTrAp

"Excellence is not a singular act, but a habit.  You are what you do repeatedly." - Shaquille O'Neal

"A man can fail many times, but he isn't a failure until he begins to blame somebody else."  - John Burroughs

Favorite Blogs:

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Miles:This week: 0.00 Month: 0.00 Year: 0.00
NB 758s #2 Lifetime Miles: 596.90
Brooks Cascadia 7 Lifetime Miles: 165.17
Slow milesFast milesTotal Distance
Brooks Cascadia 7 Miles: 14.90
Weight: 186.75
Race: 2013 Pittsburgh Marathon (kinda) (10 Miles) 02:00:00
Slow milesFast milesTotal Distance

Well, I'm logging this as a race report even though it wasn't much of one and was a DNF, but the weather was gorgeous (mid 50s) so I felt foolish not to get out and enjoy it.

I decided last night that despite my lack of training, I'd at least show up at the start line and run as long as I felt good enough to run.  I had the bib, perfect weather, and needed to get myself kick started again.  I'm familiar with the majority of the course since it goes through a bunch of neighborhoods around downtown that I've run in.  I'd studied the course and had a few places I knew I could hop out and make it back to the car without much trouble.  I had the goal to cross all three rivers before quitting, but that was a stretch goal since it would mean a 9+ mi run which would definitely be a "long run" for me. So, I had the 5mi mark (first relay exchange and very near where I'd park), the 6.2mi mark which was right before the second river (but a pretty good walk back to the car), or the 9.5mi mark (the 2nd relay exchange), then walk/jog across the third bridge with a decent trek back to the car.  I decided to take it as it came.

The race is the biggest I've ever run (approx. 25,000) and it was pretty crazy.  I was placed in the last corral, but I ended up not being able to get over to it and so I just jumped in the fourth.  Race started at 7am so I got up about 5:30, was out the door by 6, parked by 6:15 where I normally park when I walk into work.  Walked the 1.25mi in and only had to stand in the corral for about 20 mins before the race started.  Decided not to jog it in since I knew I'd be standing around waiting anyways so no sense "warming up".  It took about 20 mins before our corral finally got to the starting line and then we were off.

The start was cool, but wasn't real exciting for me since I knew I wasn't going to finish.  I did have some friends that were running both the full and half, so I was excited for them and mentally wished them good luck. The first mile or two were no problem.  I had to stop at a POP just shy of the 2mi mark and lost about 3:00 waiting for that.  Not sure why it took so long when there were only 2 guys in front of me, but oh well.  A lady hopped in behind me and made a comment that the guys line would be quicker. I'd thought so too, but just like at the grocery store, I'd picked the slow line. She thanked me for being quick when it finally got to be my turn. LOL

Headed out and enjoyed the bands, the costumes, gave lots of high fives as I plodded along.  The pace was pretty easy and slow with so many runners around me.  It would have been very frustrating if I had wanted to go faster.  I know for all the speedy folks, it doesn't matter, because they don't have anyone in front of them, but if I had been trying to BQ, I would have been frustrated trying to get around people.  Some places during the course were quite narrow, especially downtown with all the spectators.

I walked a little off and on after 3rd mi, then as I got to the 6mi mark, was walking more. I was almost to the 10k mark and the point of no return if I headed across the second bridge. There really wasn't much of a place to pull off since security was tight, and as I looked across the river, I could see the runners headed back up river so I decided to head across.  I was a bit shocked to see that the course didn't take an immediate left to go back up river, but took a slight right to head through the West End.  Oh boy, this was definitely longer than I had thought. But I couldn't really stop and turn around and walk back to the car at that point.

I continued on, walking more and running less.  All the toes on both feet seemed to be on fire from the ball of my foot out and my feet were definitely getting tired and sore.  I finally made it to the relay exchange, went far enough past it where I could pull off, and called it a day.  Almost 10mi exactly according to the Garmin, and almost 2hrs.  Walked back to the finish line (1.2mi) and sat down on the lawn to watch the big screen of the finishers.  After watching a friend from work finish the marathon, I started back to the car (another 1.5mi).  Loosening up the shoes while sitting there helped, but man they sure hurt!  I was sore and tired, but satisfied I got out there today.  After a little rest and a nice soak in the tub, I'm still sore the day after, but it was worth it.

Didn't notice until this evening that I've gained about 17 lbs since the last time I weighed myself, probably 4 weeks ago!  I was shocked...I guess that's what a lack of physical exercise will do to a guy.  Time to get in shape for a great fall race!

Edit:  Forgot to add the awesome quote I read from the back of some guy's t-shirt.  I was behind him long enough to read it, but I know I won't get it perfect.  It had the author's name and birth/death dates, so I'm thinking it may have been someone he knew, but maybe this is well known and I'm just now discovering it.  Anyways, this is what I remember it as saying:

"Not every run has to be a personal've already won by showing up." 

There's something in the middle that I forget now, but you get the point.  Anyways, it made me feel better having made the decision to show up and get in a run knowing I wouldn't be going home with a finisher's medal or anything tangible to show for it.

Brooks Cascadia 7 Miles: 14.90
Weight: 187.00
Slow milesFast milesTotal Distance

Did 45:00 on the recumbent bike this evening. "Strength program;" level 10; 14.5mi; 137 AvgHR

This workout was a good one and challenged me a fair bit.  Still somewhat sore from yesterday's run but feeling pretty good.

One thing, though, is that when I'm biking, my toes don't seem to get good circulation.  After about 25-30 mins I can feel them falling asleep some.  After the 45:00, I stand up and I get the tingling feeling in them like they're getting the blood flowing back to them.  On my runs, I'll get that sometimes, and I try to wiggle my toes a little more between steps which kind of helps.  I've also tried different lacing techniques to keep the toe box as open as possible.  Doesn't really help much.  I'm not really sure it's the shoes since on the bike, I barely tie them on at all and it doesn't matter which shoes I use.

Anyways, I'll have to work to figure out what that is.

The light clicked on for me today re: my weight gain, though!  About 3 weeks ago my doc switched one of my medications.  She said that a typical side effect was gaining "a couple of pounds" since it tends to make you more hungry.  But, she said, "since you're a pretty skinny guy anyways you probably won't notice if you gain an extra 2-3 lbs. every 6 months or so."  She said most people take it at bedtime so they sleep through the hours it makes you the most hungry.  I've taken it at night, and hadn't really given it a second thought since I figured with my eating habits (generally good) and exercise, I probably won't gain much at all. 

In retrospect, I've noticed I eat more during the day (a lot more all last week on the vacation).  I've noticed my belly had gotten rounder (felt like bloating, though), and a little more "back fat" bouncing around on my runs, but I don't weigh myself very often or consistently, so I didn't have a clue until yesterday and I was shocked to see the numbers!  So, I've got to be more conscious about my eating and make sure I get my exercise in, that's for sure!

Weight: 186.50
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45mins on the recumbent bike tonight.  Burned another 415 cals...or so.  Feeling pretty good, so may go for a run on Friday.

Weight: 0.00
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Slow milesFast milesTotal Distance
Brooks Cascadia 7 Miles: 14.90
Weight: 186.75
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