Miles: 1.90 Time: 23:28.39 Pace: 12:20 HR: Avg: 154, 82% of max, HR Range: 148-163, In Zone: 17.08, peak HR: 169, min HR: 79, cal: 323 based on 240 lbs. Shoes: Brooks Addiction(138.85). Time: 9:25 PM. Did a mediocre job stretching today. Ate very unsensibly today.
1st .5 Miles 5:47.15 min - 11:34 pace - 147 bpm - 93 calories - best pace 10:18
2nd .5 Miles 6:18.13 min - 12:36 pace - 155 bpm - 83 calories - best pace 10:06
3rd .5 Miles 6:22.21 min - 12:44 pace - 156 bpm - 84 calories - best pace 9:52
Last .40 Miles 5:00.73 min- 12:26 pace - 158 bpm - 63 calories - best pace 9:48
yesterday's run was my best time to that point. This run beat it by 40 seconds. Hope this level of improvement keeps going. Tried to spot a shooting star, but didn't see one. This caused me to walk slower which counterintuitively helps improve the time as my HR recovers quicker allowing me to run a bigger percent of the distance. This resulted in 7.5 walks compared to 6 yesterday. Lots of people don't like Galloway, but he's got some things figured out for those without a solid base. Sometimes walking more gives you a better time.
Before my run I took a big bite of cake and took a drink of water to help wash it down. Then I sneezed. Usually you can tell you are about to sneeze, not this time. So I shot a chocolate cake water mixture out my nose. One of the most disgusting things I have ever done. |