Miles: 1.91 Time: 24:31.49 Pace: 12:51 HR: Avg: 156, 83% of max, HR Range: 148-163, In Zone: 17.04, peak HR: 175, min HR: 109, cal: 310 based on 240 lbs. . Shoes: Brooks Addiction(135.04). Time: 8:52 PM. Did a mediocre job stretching today.
1st .5 Miles 6:05.73 min - 12:11 pace - 151 bpm - 92 calories - best pace 10:18
2nd .5 Miles 619.22 min - 12:38 pace - 157 bpm - 84 calories - best pace 9:51
3rd .5 Miles 6:51.73 min - 13:43 pace - 156 bpm - 73 calories - best pace 10:08
Last .40 Miles 5:14.81 - 12:52 pace - 161 bpm - 61 calories - best pace 8:56 Good run, I think it was an improvement if you factor in the heat. First mile faster than last run. Second mile, same as last run.Still a bit slower than a couple of runs ago. |