Some days are so beautiful that you just want to soak them in. You never want them to end. Today was one of those. Since I had a few days in Fairbanks, Alaska I headed up to Nenena to race the Annihilator for fun.
Supposed to be one of the hardest 10ks there is so I figured it would be a good offset for all the Utah style downhill races. Unfortunately there was still 18 inches of snow on the trails in the high country so they cancelled it last minute. So I went back down to Fairbanks and was lucky enough to find a really sweet trail that headed off the oil pipeline north. It was covered in bark, moss, or grass the whole way and was so soft that I took off my shoes and ran a few miles in barefeet. Maybe halfway in I came across a trail junction which had a sign on it for the Equinox Marathon course. So I joined that for the rest of the run which took me down to the University of Alaska campus.
Legs are doing great today on my return to running. No soreness at all which must be the days off and running a smart marathon last week.
