Nice run on the Logan River Trail with the kids on their bikes. We have had kind of a dead spot for six months of running together since they grew too big for the double running stroller. Now finally they are fast enough on bikes to keep up. I'm looking forward to a year of them going with me. On a non-running note, someone has been egging cars and houses along our neighborhood for a month now. It's taken me several hours if scrubbing a few times and left permanent marks on things. Basically as soon as you clean them off they do it again. Anyhow, I installed motion activated infared cameras this weekend and lo and behold it's one of the neighbor's 21 year old son and his friends. One of those can't move out of the house kind of kids. The Officer taking the report says this vandalism charge would go on his permanent record so I should think twice about pressing charges. Been thinking this through today... |