AM-Aerobic resistance ten miler this morning down to the trail and around the bridge. I had a rather sobering observation this morning. I was looking at a Japanese website of the Chiba International Eikeden half-marathon and if you think you are really good, take a look at this race beacause it has a way of bringing you back down to reality. A 1:10 half pr might get you 400th place. And a 1:08, mmm, maybe 300th if you have room and enough gas to have any sort of kick at the end. The Japanese do not fool around when it comes to racing, hundreds of guys running at 5/min/mi pace or so in this race. The training and organization of clubs, camps, coaches and especially runners blows me away. I can't help but wonder what the United States could produce with a system like that. It really made me standback for a minute and a rather long one at that. Makes ya kind of wonder what it is really possible. / 10 miles total/ 6-6:41/mi avg. pace. /
PM-Easy 5 miles at 6:45-7:04. 7:30/mi. warmup. 7th east rolling loop course. Had to edit the early morning entry for errors. I need to go back to school and learn how to write properly! |