AM- 6 miles easy at 7:30 and 3 miles at 6:50-7/min pace. I may keep the volume at 70 mpw for a while with 2 hard workouts per week. Seems about right. AM2-Went home grabbed some fluids and decided to go do my hard workout before the heat set in this afternoon. Glad I did that because wow I really felt strong this morning for some strange reason. Was it a cooler temp? Earlier start? Possibly combine those along with recovery now from the marathon and I think that just may be the answer. Anyway, I went 6 miles total with some faster fartlek segments of 3 min on with 1min off working on form and turnover. Stretch afterwards. Saw Maurine on the road and waved hi but didn't have time to chat as I was doing my repeats. Kinda selfish of me I know.. PM-8 miles easy at 8/min pace trying to keep the heart rate low. Felt ok but a little toasty out there this evening.. 7th and 13th east. So much for 70 mpw:)