Up to Little Cottonwood and then back around via Quarry bend and 7th east. 16 miles total. First 8 miles at 7-7:30/mile up with a progression run in the middle starting at 6/min/mile down to 5:36, 5:24, 4:50, 5:22, 5:32, and 5:21 for the final mile home. Some headwind on the last 3 miles going home. Cooldown for two miles after practicing pace sense at MP. 85 degrees.F. Ahh.. pleasant exhaustion and time to hit the the Hi C orange. I way prefer it over Gatorade as it's just easier on the gut and tastes way better! I think I saw Maureen on Quarry bend coming up the hill but my eyes were so full of sweat I could not tell for sure. PM-Debated on doing a light jog to help circulation and recovery but got sleepy while listening to my wife play Mozart's Lacrymosa from his requiem mass. Not too bad for sight reading I have to say. I once knew how to play like that, but marathon training is such a cruel master..