What a beautiful day! Ran to the office the long way to pick up my bike to go biking with Will tomorrow - from there I did a loop I used to do when I was married and lived in Cleveland Park... Dumbarton Oaks park to Glover Park up to Wisconsin, Marvin Hazen trail to Rock Creek, down all the way back to the office... it's about 9 miles, according to my Garmin, 10 counting some detours I took. I went slow, cause the trails are very rooty and rocky. I had several falls there before... and I had a very close call this time, but thankfully I didn't fall. There was a biking accident on the trail, people go too fast on that turn, I don't know what happened but when I got there, I saw some blood on the trail (paved bike trail) and a guy was on the floor on the side of the trail, several people were around and had called 911... It gave me chills and I almost started to cry, thinking he may have to go through what my ex-husband went through... I saw a helmet next to him, so I'd hope he didn't hurt his head, and I heard people say he was breathing and he had a sip of water someone offered him, so at least he didn't seem to be unconscious. Scary stuff... Felt good most of the time, but went very slow. I hydrated very well, I think, had some very watered-down G2 on the way to the office, some watered-down vitamin water on the first 10 miles, stopped at a 7-eleven to fill my bottle with ice and got another gatorade for the last 5 miles, a good plan overall. I almost wonder if it's worth running with my own water bottle during the marathon, it's nice not having to stop to drink, and being able to drink a few zips here and there instead of having to gulp a glass every few miles... probably not worth the effort? This was not a very good week... I'm glad it's over. Tuesday I will do speed work I WILL DO SPEEDWORK ON TUESDAY! Happy Saturday!