| Location: Wichita,KS, Member Since: Sep 14, 2008 Gender: Female Goal Type: Local Elite Running Accomplishments: marathon pr: 2:59:49. Saint George 2011
Praire Spirit 50 mile winner 7:36:30 2013
I accidentally ran 100 miles in November 2013. it was hard. I threw up a lot. decided to do a better job next time
I did it again on purpose October 2014--Heartland 100 winner and CR 17:38:37
Heartland 50 winner May 2014
Psycho Wyco 50k winner February 2012
Short-Term Running Goals: Run enough to hold off the middle-age spread
Long-Term Running Goals:
Sub 3 hour marathon--SOMEDAY! Done!
New long term goal: ....run enough to feel kinda like I did when I was fit
Personal: I was a single mom. Two times over. We all survived, despite the fact that I make atrocious decisions. Then, I met a man I didn't deserve. And he loves me so much. And I love him. We lived in sin and bought a house for two years then hired a judge and officially got married(to our great delight and also the delight of our mothers), then a month later he was diagnosed with cancer. Well we survived all that and he's 100% fine now. But, we're really out of shape and really busy with kids and jobs and running just isn't my priority and there's so many other layers to all of it, but I'm running anyway. This is my failure blog now. Just to log that one run a week if I snag it.
Somehow that matters and I want that run recorded. Favorite Blogs: |
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Mizuno Waverider 12 Miles: 50.88 | Asics Miles: 9.54 |
| | 8:28 average pace. Felt great today, ran early enough that it wasn't too hot. Mileage is up and weight went up with it, as usual, will probably drop in a few weeks after my body adjusts. I have no idea why it works that way. Off to enjoy the morning with my sister before I go to work!(she came into town last night) |
Mizuno Waverider 12 Miles: 10.16 |
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| | 9:07 average pace. Nice and easy. Slept in and got out a little late, so it was heating up towards the end, but not too bad. I have a group of fellow paramedics and some firefighters that are all going to a 5k race on the morning of the 4th of July. I am considering going because it will be fun to run with people I know and it is a small-town race with an entry fee of only $10, but I will be fresh off an overnight shift (6pm to 6am) so I will be terribly tired and may not have time to get much of a warm up. I dunno. I probably won't decide until that morning. I may just go and run and hang out and get my Saturday run in rather than all-out race effort, and then go home and go to bed since I have another night shift Saturday night. Then again, I am a competitive gal and the temptation to try and chick all the guys I know may be more than I can take...or I may just be so tired I go home and don't run at all. We will see. |
Mizuno Waverider 12 Miles: 10.00 |
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| | 8:24 average pace. Started out really slow. Explored some new country roads--wasn't sure about the dog situation so my husband escorted me in the car for about 6 miles of the run--ran into four dogs. Ended up running a little more briskly keeping the care in sight. Had a few miles under 8 minutes. Breathing was easy, never "pushed" the pace--stayed comfortable. It's our Anniversary! Too bad I have to work. We celebrated with a date this weekend and I had flowers and chocolate waiting for me when I got off work last night! My husband is the BEST! |
Mizuno Waverider 12 Miles: 10.18 |
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| | 8:21 average pace. Drove to Andover to run with some different scenery. Ran all around and through the park, then ran all around the big north housing addition, then ran south by all the schools and into another housing addition on some dirt roads, finally turned around and ran back, passed a track, so decided to jog onto it and do a 400 for fun. Ran 400 in 90 seconds and felt so good I decided to make it an 800. Completed the second 400 in 93 seconds, jogged a lap, then ran another 90 second 400, then jogged off the track and back to the park and my car. Other than my rendezvous with the track kept the pace easy--am surprised I was running sub-9 miles. It rained right before I ran and was nice and cool--68 degrees when I started. No breakfast, no water, no fuel, and felt fine throughout the whole run. Am surprised at how much easier 6:00 pace feels now. Will probably not race on the 4th. There is a cross-country 5k on the 11th, I'm off that day, and haven't run cross-country in a long time. I will probably wait and race then. |
Mizuno Waverider 12 Miles: 10.46 |
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| | 9:33 average pace. Tired legs. Took it slow and easy on dirt and gravel roads. Got a lot to do and maybe a nap before my all-nighter. Hope everyone has a great holiday weekend! |
Mizuno Waverider 12 Miles: 10.08 |
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| | 8:48 average pace. Came home from work at 6:45 am exhausted, flopped into bed, and did not sleep so well. Tossed and turned until 12:23 and then gave up and got up. I am just not used to sleeping during the day. Oh well. Only one more night and then back to a normal schedule for a while. Drank some coffee, ate 2 nutrigrain bars, putted around a bit, and then went for my run. It is in the mid-eighties and so humid you could just choke on the air, so not a comfy run. Chugged gatorade twice. Wanted to stop/not run at all because I am just plain tired and want to lay around and do nothing. Made a deal with myself that I could cut the run short of 10 miles as long as I hit 60 for the week, which I did! Yeah! Two weeks in a row. Next week will be easier when I don't have this night shift stuff going on. Happy Independence Day everybody! Off to spend some time with my family before a night full of folks burning and blowing themselves up, and then getting drunk and fighting and shooting each other(okay hopefully it's not that bad but the gun and knife club has been busier than usual lately). |
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Mizuno Waverider 12 Miles: 50.88 | Asics Miles: 9.54 |
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