I met with Julie and we had an incredible week!! Wish we could see each other motre than every few years. We ran Boston together. It's been a tough year for both of us. We celebrated. We high-fived, yelled, fist-pumped, threw our hands in the air, and ran because we could. Then we held hands and crossed the finish together, and then we cried together. There is nothing in the world like joining together as women and telling our stories, and laughing and crying and running epic-boston-year together. We dorked out and wore matching outfits too. "Go blue times two", "go twins". Great day!! And then we ended up without a ride to our hotel after, with no phone, no id, no money. Thank you Tom Cali from Penn State and your Porsche with the top down. We had good luck with meeting great people! I'm ready to run hard and train again. Thank you FRB. I'm humbled. We passed a guy at mile 23 crutching away on one leg. So much to take in from last years tragedy and stories of strength and grace. Julie is a Rock Star. She was hurting from an injury and pulled through and ran Boston with me anyway. I LOVE YOU JULIE!! Thank you Lord for letting me live to run another day. I was hit by a car exactly one year ago April 22. Have a great day bloggers!! |