20mph winds today with 35mph gusts. I knew this wasn't going to be pretty timewise. 2.72 mile warm up including some strides, then I lined up. I felt okay the first 3 or 4 miles but then when we hit the headwind along the river in mile 5 the wheels started wobbling. After that I just struggled and never really recovered. Wheels were pretty much off by mile 8. I hung onto third until the final mile and then got shamefully outkicked and failed to respond. I thought I was 4th but I guess I was 5th by chip time. Argh. Oh well, it's a still a weak PR and a time I can accept in the gale force winds. Splits 6:26, 6:36, 6:40, 6:41, 7:08, 6:40, 6:51, 6:42, 7:01, 6:39. I know I've said this before, but it's time to clean up my diet and get back on task. Part of running well is eating right and I have not, not at all. Cookies, sugar, ice cream, fried food, beer, wine. I really need to get it together. |