My first offical race since surgery in November. Actually, this is the first time in over a decade I've been able to train for more than a month or two without being sidelined by injury. This race establishes my "old man PR" for 5k. Hopefully this will drop as I build mileage and get in better shape.
A minute into the race Joe McNamera & I were clear of the rest of the runners. He's a very good marathoner in his 50s. He's been at it for multiple decades and has a big engine. I gapped him early on a steady uphill. Joe caught me at around 2.25 and I couldn't stay with him. I was starting to fade and knew I wouldn't be able to maintain pace. I backed off a little more than I should've in the last mile. I think I could've held pace a little better, but I'm not overly disappointed in the outcome. I figured I'd run close to 18 minutes; maybe a touch under. There were no mile markers, but the race was probably pretty accurate. My Garmin had it as 3.15. Splits: 5:41, 5:36, 6:11, 51 sec for last .15.