AM - A pathetic attempt at yoga and weight training for 30 minutes. Planning to do rehab this evening. I went to a new doctor yesterday...he spent about almost two hours talking to me about my injury cycle and performing a thorough physical evaluation. I ran a half mile on the treadmill and then proceeded to be in pain for the rest of the session (and still pretty terrible now). No "diagnosis" but several ideas: He noticed that my right leg turns slightly inwards on footstrike. A weak gluteus medius is to blame. The hamstring tendon on the outside of the knee is put under additional pressure to pull the knee back into the right position. The left hamstring is starting to hurt because of overcompensation of the bad right one.
The illipsoas is of great concern. I have several symptoms associated with hip bursitis or a labral tear. My heart just sank at those thoughts. Those would most likely require a MRI to confirm. But there's also a chance that there's just a ton of inflammation that is inhibiting motion. All I know is that it's been a week off from running and the pain is getting worse and worse. So the plan is for another week off running, work on getting the hips in alignment and continue strengthening the hips/core. Re-evaluate next week. If the pain is the same, we will probably go the MRI route. Today I feel awful. The pain feels like it's in the joint space - a really deep pain. I took 800mg of ibuprofen + Advil and still got no relief. The doctor must have irritated it more than he was intending when doing the evaluation. I'm really hoping it turns around. Allie sent me a picture that got my spirits up - thanks so much Allie! Hope she doesn't mind that I share! 