I felt pretty good this morning so I decided to run in the morning instead of the afternoon. 2.5 miles in 21 minutes. Only a little incision area discomfort, no compensation pain.
I am 9 weeks post-op today. I am guessing that I need about three more weeks to really feel good all the time.I still have a pretty significant bump around the incision areas that haven't gone away yet. Any suggestions to promote healing? Great article and video about Gary Player, 77-year old and was in the ESPN body issue. He is still going strong and has some great things to say - “America is maybe the most unhealthy nation in the world because they live on crap,†Player said. “They’ve got the best food in the world, the best farmers and the best food but they live on crap. When [British chef] Jamie Oliver went to America he went to areas where children never had cabbage or broccoli or spinach or vegetables in their life. People giving their children a soft drink and a doughnut to go to school. No wonder academically they’re affected.†“Most of my friends are dead and I’m going on to 78. I’m so fit and strong. I could get a heart attack, that can happen in life. But dam it all man, I get up in the morning at six o’clock. I work on my ranch. I mix cement. This morning, I stood there with a guy, we’re doing a new land. For three hours I helped pick up rocks. Now I’m in such great shape. I climb a mountain, I swim in my pool. I walk and I exercise. I don’t ask anyone on my ranch to do anything that I wouldn’t do. You got to keep your body moving, moving, moving.†|