Post surgery day 6. More progress - three walks of 0.2 miles and stood up for an hour straight. Exciting stuff! So here's my theory on the injury. It all started when I strained my iliopsoas muscle. Once that muscle weakened, it created an unequal distribution of forces in the groin region compared to normal. This resulted in unusual strain of the internal and external obliques near the groin. Eventually, the aponeurosis tore. I had so much instability in my hip with the tear and the weak iliopsoas that the other muscles surrounding the hip (gluteus medius, TFL, IT band) became protective and overworked, causing pain in those regions as well. Because the injury was so long, a really important aspect of my rehabilitation is going to be retraining the muscles to perform the right functions again and redevelop stability in my core.
I am open to other theories and ideas for getting back stronger!