AM - Met up with Allie and Ken Richardson for a long run on the first part of the Ogden marathon course, then trails for the last 6 miles. 20.6 miles this morning!! I haven't run more than 17, so this was new territory. I felt great, considering the distance. The pace was super consistent - 7 min/mile +-6 seconds for the first 15. Then we hit the North Arm Trail for the last few which naturally slowed the pace a little but same effort level. Jake decided that Allie and I needed an extra 0.6 miles past 20 so he "accidently" took a wrong turn for a quarter mile. Overall great run, great company with average 7:03 pace. The run went by really fast - lots of conversation. Now I get to eat EVERYTHING!!! PM - Cruised around Huntsville bike paths 8-9 miles.