3 miles, 1 with Anna on her bike. Took off her training wheels today, but will have to put them back on. I got a little ahead of myself. This happened with Elise too.
I guess it's time to bring my blog a little up to date, hopefully that reflects more focus on running. But not necessarily.
Either way, looking at the big guy in my profile was getting depressing. The shoes still fits, but looking at my daughter's My Little Pony art makes me happier.
I'm running a marathon next weekend. It's in Jacksonville Beach near my wife's parents. I'll be pacing her, shooting for 8:15-8:20 pace, which I think would bring us in around 3:37. I'm hoping she doesn't drop me in the last 10k.
There's a good local contingent planning to run Chicago in the fall. I would like to get on that train. My goal for this month is to be reflective and figure out if I can commit to the training.