what did I learn today:
How well my training goes does not guarantee a great time on race day.
know my type of weather, course, and adjust my goal. (35 degrees with windshield that made it feel like 32 degreea) is not my type of weather.
If I'm going to follow a pace group I will line up close to them because slow runners will block you until they are out of sight.
When you are meeting a friend at a big race (Matt 5467) agree on a place to meet before hand. I was looking to meet with matt from this blog. Cant wait to see how you did.
I was freezing and shaking trying to line up on the right spot to start the race (thanks to Beth driving and helping me to stay warm). Did not warm up until mile 4 and never felt loose until mile 11. Beth tried to get my attention twice during those miles but I had no idea. This how tired and uncomfortable I was with cold wind. I love tough races I seem to get better the following training cycle.
special thanks to my wife and race coordinator without her I would miss all of my races for one reason or another.
thanks to everyone on this blog for your support.