Weather - 62-55 degrees, cloudy, rain, heavy wind. A respite from the cold today! I dressed in shorts and 2 light technical shirts, which meant I felt light and energetic. I ran the usual South Farms loop, there was a big difference from yesterday, as the sheet of ice on the road had melted, and the corn fields now had ankle deep water in various places. The wind on the South Farms road was the heaviest yet, 30-35mph, it felt like running up a mountain. On the turn-around I went from crawling to sprinting, as the wind pushed me to a fast pace whether I liked it or not. I stopped at home to end the 13 mile loop, ate fruit and nuts, drank juice and water, then headed out to run another loop. After getting through Busey Woods the wind direction changed and now pushed cold air from the west. The temperature dropped about 10 degrees in 5 minutes, and it began raining heavily. I was dressed too lightly to withstand the temperature drop, so I called it a day at mile 18.50. The previous 3 weeks have been the highest mileage I have run all year (73.50, 98.50, 64.50), so next week all runs will be under 1 hour, most days probably 4 miles or less. My left knee is still bothering me, and although I can still run big miles on it, it is probably best to get it 100% healed before beginning another cycle of medium and long runs. #407 Digital Photograph made last night : 
Self Portrait in Someone's Yard