Weather - 48 degrees, cloudy, misty rain. Today was similar to yesterday, only 13 degrees warmer, and not raining as hard. I went out the door looking forward to another run, and after only 3 blocks I found myself moving quick. It normally takes me 2 miles to warm up, so I was surprised to feel so energetic and loose. After 1 mile I realized that my feeling of lightness was probably caused by my loss of 2 or 3 pounds. Yesterday I was slogging around town in 2 pairs of soaked sweats, 3 shirts, 2 jackets, and a hat. Today was just shorts and 3 shirts, and I was only misted, not saturated with rain. Today was also the first day in a while where my lungs were at 100% capacity. No matter how fast I ran my breath stayed calm, and my pulse remained consistently low. The run went by so fast, and before I knew it I had already covered yesterday's route, but 8 minutes faster. I even finished at Jimmy John's and got another sandwich. It was easier walking home today because it was warm. #362