Weather - 44 degrees, clear. A nice day for a long run, too bad I am on a low mileage week. I ran to Better Image today with a digital file of a recent photograph. Since I am now working with a digital camera, I might as well see what these screen images look like on paper. Maybe they will be a mass of ugly pixels, or the contrast and colors will be too garish. I had not been to Better Image since 2000, before digital photography was a dominating force. Then the store was a thriving place, clean, bright, and offering a variety of photographic printing services. When I walked into the store today I found it to be dingy, small, dark, cluttered, shelves which used to hold film were empty and dusty. The store is now comprised of a few computers for its seeming only business - digital printing. I talked with a photographer at the Market at Lincoln Square last Saturday, she sells her prints in a little stall. She told me she takes her digital files to Sam's Club because they do a good job for a cheaper price than Better Image. If Sam's Club can make prints just as good as a professional printing service, I guess that tells me why Better Image probably won't be around much longer. I will pick up my lone 8x10 print tomorrow. After I left the shop I ran to Crystal Lake park and did 3 sets of strength exercises, then walked 35 minutes home. #409 
Bedroom Window - Outside In