Weather - 77 degrees, sunny. Had a great hill session today, 22 reps of the usual - 100m at 5k pace to the base of the hill, 100m
hard up the hill (regular form on odd repeats, bounding on even), and
250m downhill sprint. Recovery was a 300m jog. I concentrated on lifting my legs high when bounding, my hips were able to handle the strain, although by rep 20 I could feel my legs begin to lose strength. My respiration was better than usual, most likely due to the 17.5 mile long run I did a few days ago. I am not sure if my speed has improved, but I can hold a hard pace longer without faltering. I could have done more than 22 reps if my legs had not become fatigued. The previous hill session I had to stop at 12 reps because I was unable to control my body temperature in the extreme mid-day heat. Today was 11 degrees cooler with low humidity, it made a big difference. Afterward 4 sets of strength exercises, stretching, and 20 minute walk home. #220 z.m. - #133