Weather - 73 degrees, humid, raining. Running with allergies and asthma is a day to day roller coaster. Yesterday I was hoping run some hard hills, but lack of sleep due to allergies drained my energy so I ran 5 easy miles instead. Today I was planning to run easy but when I got to the woods I started to feel a boost in energy, so I decided to do my favorite workout - hard loops on the trails. Although my respiration was only about 80% due to congestion, I was still able to run at a good speed, and finished with 4 intervals of 1200, 1200, 1600, 1200, and then ran 200m at top sprinting speed. Now at home I feel great, energy high and my spirits are up. Tomorrow it may be back down into the dark valley of allergies, so I will enjoy this respite. After the run 4 sets of strength exercises, stretching, and 40 minute walk home. #300