Weather - 50 degrees, raining. A nice day for running, but crappy for most other activities. An easy 4.5 miles in the park and woods, I felt energetic, strong, and went a little faster than normal for an easy run - this is the season for risks. I peaked in March and early April, and have since come down a bit. I would like to try and reach another peak by mid-July, so I need to run harder, faster, longer in my upcoming training sessions. I will still be mindful of easy runs, but maybe I need to experience more discomfort/pain in my hard sessions. If training is harder than a race, then maybe I won't die in the final mile like the last few. Maybe this method won't work and I will end up injured, but I think it will be fun and memorable if my training is heavy with oxygen deprivation. #193 z.m. - #106