Weather - 25-5 degrees, clear, very windy. The run started pleasant enough, with temperatures in the mid 20's. Being in town I did not feel the wind too much. Lot of snow on the ground, though, about 3-4 inches, which meant I was running at a slow pace for most of the way. I started my run near noon, and stopped running at 4:45pm. I did 20 minutes of strength exercises at mile 1.5 mile, and after that it was all trudge and grind. This run could be the one I need to give me confidence for my April ultras. Once I got out into the open on the South Farms I had to battle the frigid wind, and the temperature dropped quickly as the afternoon moved forward. I had a few mental struggles, mainly with how cold I felt when I was in the open areas.When I left MBK I had to run backwards for 1/2 mile to avoid feeling the sting of the wind.
I finished the run with 4 x 1 mile loops in Busey Woods, and although it was now 5 degrees, I did not feel much wind and my hands were able to warm up. I wore my new Teva trail racing shoes today, I have no mercy on my new shoes! The shoes were awesome, I don't think they are waterproof, but my feet never felt wet, and even with the frigid temps they never got cold. Tomorrow and Friday are supposed to be very cold, so I will be happy to put in some short miles until Saturday. #425 Photo took out on the South Farms today (my hands were numb, but I managed to press the shutter button) : 
Still a Long Way to Run