(Olympus Run) This was the first easy run I've done in a long time. 10.4 miles at a 7:38 pace in 1:19. I ran up Olympus Dr. with the dog which is a pretty decent hill then back downhill on Booth Rd.. I would say half of the run was uphill and half downhill. I would have been tempted to run some miles under 7 if I didn't have the dog, but it's a good idea to have some easy days. Lunch: I decided to run around the street where I work at, because I didn't have time to run to the gym. I didn't want to do anything hard, because I wanted this to be an easy day. I ran 4.41 miles at a 6:59 pace. The temperature was 88 degrees, but it didn't seem that hot. The sweat off the body though recognized the hot conditions. The course was totally flat and kind of fun and different.