These were tempo miles, not fast miles. I went for a run this beautiful morning. Started at 5:05 and the sun was already coming up--it was perfectly light when I was done. 65 degrees with a light, but pleasant breeze. Perfect for a run. While I was running I was thinking of two things: First, I had a conversation with my principal yesterday. I'm working on my degree in admin, and I made a comment about how he should make me dean and let me teach one class--AP English. About 1/2 hour later he looked mad and asked me, "Why would I let one of my best teachers be dean and only teach one class? Right now I know you impact every one of the seniors who walk across our stage at graduation. You wouldn't be able to have that kind of impact as dean." And I argued that I would be able to impact all 400 students. Then he told me that he wouldn't take a strong teacher and make her admin, but he would take a weaker teacher and do the same. I can't remember his exact words, but that was the gist. So that tells me two disturbing things. One, I will never be an administrator at our school as long as he is there. Two, our school rewards the weak and punishes the strong. I was irritated, but I will wait him out--he won't last long. I was also thinking about a conversation that I overheard when I was at my niece's informal graduation party. She goes to the public high school in our town. The kids were talking about a crabby teacher who just had a baby and then the conversation shifted to how many girls were pregnant in their graduating class. The thing that bothered me about this conversation was not the fact that girls are pregnant--I'm not naive--but that the kids at her house were so nonchalant about it. I'm not saying I want to go back to the days when pregnant teens are hidden away with some relative, or worse, when they are forced by the boyfriend and the parents to get abortions, but could we have a little indignation? A little less acceptance?
So those are my thoughts for today.